• DAY 155

“Then Samuel told him everything, and hid nothing from him. And he said, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him.””

1 samuel 3:18 nkjv

Sovereign- supreme power and authority. Absolute, self governed, principal.

Just Millennial

As a millennial it is tough to embrace the concept of sovereignty. Being born into a democratic system, I have never witnessed autonomy of power. Although our leaders often act as though they aren’t governed by any laws at least we get to give our opinions, protest and disagree, howbeit often unsuccessfully. But we rarely just cower and say okay to every rule and decree they make.

So when I read the response of Eli to the God given vision of Samuel, as seen in our text today, my mind took a while to grasp the concept. That God can do what He wants. Eli received such sad and tough decree, accepts it as God’s will and continues to serve God as faithfully as he did before. This is faith and courage. Because a lot of us would have had tantrums, questions and accusations against God. We’d say something like; “after all the years I served faithfully, this is what I get for just one mistake?”

God Is God

It is easy to embrace the sovereignty of God when His will matches with our desire but what about when He brings judgement or when we face tough seasons? All of a sudden we get opinions and questions. Why did this happen? Couldn’t He just do this and that? We get so familiar with God that we forget that He can in fact do whatever He pleases.

He can appoint a man and remove that man; He can choose to kill or make alive. He gets to decide which family stays and which goes. The fact that we have choices and opinions doesn’t make Him answerable to us. God does not get to explain Himself to anybody or defend His actions. He did what He did and that’s on period.

The world is so prone to rebellion that we sit in rooms and argue what God should have done and why God allows good and evil. We question why He decided to call home the spirit of a man He made without our permission or contribution, just because they were related to us and their death was inconvenient. We judge Him as mean or wicked because He uses what He owns as He pleases

It’s the equivalent of your latest pair of shoes telling you where it wants you to wear it too and how. And sell its opinion and permission before you wear it The absurdity.

Good and Sovereign

Beloved, God doesn’t owe anybody an explanation for His actions. He can do as He pleases. When we understand this, all that depression, anxiety, offense and frustration we feel will dissipate and peace will replace it. Because we know that His sovereignty doesn’t cancel out his benevolence.

I don’t know what tough days you went through that made you question God but trust that He is working out for good and rest in that assurance.


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