• DAY 51
  • Fear File: Hagar
  • Scripture: Genesis 21:17-18

And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, “What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation.”

I just imagine the drama that preceded this verse being displayed on Africa Magic Epic. Hagar and the son turning their noses up at Sarah throughout her pregnancy, the tension between Sarah and her maid, the way that Ishmael would have made snide remarks of Isaac, and the anger in Sarah’s eyes as she demands they be put out. Then we move to the morning when they were being escorted out; the sorrowful background music, the tears, etc. A very moving movie indeed. But this wasn’t a movie. This was the reality of Hagar. Her pain wasn’t an act, her hurt wasn’t a script, and no director was shouting “CUT!” she was living it out in real time.

Hagar was an innocent woman caught up in the fearful decisions of other people. She was a maid, probably given to Sarah from her father’s house. Her job was simply to serve at the pleasure of her masters. Most of us missed the devastation of the slave trade, thankfully, so we do not understand the concept of being completely owned by someone. Slaves were just like any other property an individual possessed. For example your phone, you control it how you want, it doesn’t dictate to you, you dictate to it and when you are tired of it, you get another. So this maiden didn’t have a choice in the matter. Yet here she was bearing the consequences of an action she did not instigate, nor could she control. 

Your Decisions Matter

This will be a good place to mention that your decision affects others. Your fear or faith can have a lasting consequence on the reality of another living thing. Eve’s decision is still in effect today, and the decision of Sarah is still living in the middle east as the descendants of Ishmael. This is why you need the Holy Spirit. You cannot tell the impact of your decisions or what decisions to make. But the Holy Spirit will guide you and help you make better choices.

So, Hagar was in a precarious situation. Her baby daddy threw her out, she was a single mother with no home, no job, no prospects, nothing! Some of us are in this kind of situation; we are living with the consequence of another person’s fear. We didn’t sign up to be abused but the brokenness is our reality. Our parents’ marriage turned out to be a disaster but the dysfunction is ours to manage. A loved one committed suicide but the hurt is yours to bear. What do you do, when you wake up to devastation you did not instigate? How do you manage that? What do you even do when people hold you responsible for a situation in which you were a victim?

Dear Hagar, 

I know you mocked your mistress and I know your son scoffed, but they should have just left you a maid in the first place. How could they make you wife in responsibilities but withhold the privileges? How could your parents expect you to be whole when they spent years breaking you? Can they blame you for being vengeful when they wronged you? I know, Hagar, I read about it, you’ve told the story over and over and we understand. But Hagar, it’s your life now. So pick up your son, take up your flask, and head on out to the wilderness.

What Ails You?

In the depths of her despair and hopelessness, Miss Hagar decided that this was her fate and resigned to die. Pause! Whatever despair, depression, and hopelessness that has you believing the lies of the devil that this is how your life will remain, that you cannot get through that pain, that death might be your option; be it the death of your heart, your faith, your dreams, or your breath, I decree by the authority in the name of Jesus the devil is a liar, receive life right now in the name of Jesus. This isn’t the end of your life, this is not how you will turn out. Let every dead hope receive the Ruach breath of God right now. Depression, turn to joy! suicidal voice, shut up now! I plead the blood of Jesus over you right now and I command you to live in the name of Jesus.

Play! Hagar thought it was over, she probably felt she deserved this situation, but God didn’t. He called out to her and He said the most comforting words a person can ever hear from God, “I have heard

Beloved, did you think that because you gave up on yourself, God did too? Did you think that because you felt pain He didn’t hear you? Let me be the one to announce to you today that God heard you and He still hears you. And today he is telling you to pick up your baby because He isn’t done with you yet. Your book isn’t finished. Pain does not mean the end. He is opening your eyes to see a well. Your drought is almost over. FEAR NOT!


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