• DAY 10
  • Fear File : Abram
  • Scripture: Genesis 16:1-2

Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai.

Genesis 16:1-2

In our fear files today we have Abram. It might have seemed more suitable to have Sarai there, she was the one who suggested this idea and she was the owner of the maid servant. But she wasn’t the one who received the word. She may have heard about God’s word to Abram, we are not told. We do know that there is a difference between a reported speech and an encounter. It is the truth that you know that will set you free, not the truth you were told. Freedom comes when the word moves from letters -logos, to spirit -rhema. Faith is produced in the rhema realm.

Often, my husband had come to me and said what God was asking us to do, I would go along gladly because I believe that he will not say “God said,” unless He actually did. Yet there is always this little bit of struggle. But something shifts in me the moment I hear it too. So he started waiting and asking God to reveal it to me too, because it just makes the whole experience easier. Until I receive the same revelation, my suggestions might not be in alignment. They may be profitable but not divine strategy. And one must be cautious of the suggestions that come right after a word.

In our text, we read the suggestions of Sarah and the agreement of Abram. If you recall, God said “one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” Genesis 15:4 (click here to read yesterday’s devotional) and this could be the reason he agreed to it. This suggestion sounded like a good plan. The seed from the maid will, in fact, be from his body. It just made sense. He will finally get what he wanted and what God said. But he didn’t check with God. He was putting work to his faith but it wasn’t the right work.

Your Way Is Fear

Did you know that doing things the way that seems right might be out of fear? Why? Because it is not in the realms of faith. Every instruction from God has a how. God never gives an instruction that doesn’t have a strategy. But we often fail to ask him. We use our intellect or what worked for someone else and that gets us in trouble. It may have worked for your pastor, your sister and your prayer leader but if it is not God’s strategy for you, it will not work for you. 

So before you accuse God of not keeping his promise even after you added work to your faith you must understand that your faith work is determined by God.

I have had experiences in my own life. January last year God was assuring me that he will change my financial situation and I thought, “I had better get something doing that he can bless.” So I did what motivational speakers said and looked for a problem in my neighbourhood that I could solve. When I found it, I got to work, gave it a name, advertised, knocked on doors, invested money to improve my knowledge and not one client came. I felt God was leading me to try what my sister had done, and when that didn’t work, I was angry at God and I expressed it when we met in prayer. But He taught me that I could be doing what she was doing but I cannot do it how she is doing it. I changed my strategy to His and everything changed

People of faith cannot use their wisdom to figure out a divine strategy. As you add work to your faith, ensure that it is in alignment with God’s strategy. 

As we continue our study, we will discover just how well this suggestion turned out.

Click here to watch today’s video

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  1. It is intriguing most times how we act/do things out fear forgetting we have a Father that assures us of everything.

  2. This devotional is loaded, the lord almighty continue to in rease your wisdom on all sides in Jesus name.
    More grace and fresh unction to function in Jesus name….. Amen

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