• DAY 79
  • Fear File: Jacob
  • Scripture: Genesis 31:22-24

And it was told Laban on the third day that Jacob was fled. And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days’ journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead. And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.

So, yesterday we talked about how Laban cheated Jacob of his rightful wages and how God came to balance the scales. So if you missed that, kindly click here to catch up. 


Here’s What’s Going on Here

As always, read the whole story FOR YOURSELF. But here’s a quick summary. After God had given Jacob his wages, he took his family and headed back to his father’s house according to the word of the Lord. But Laban didn’t let it rest at that, upon hearing that Jacob had left, he decided to pursue him.

Now, the Bible tells us that he pursued Jacob because he thought that Jacob stole one of his idols. But he was also angry that Jacob was taking “everything” from him. Although the only things that Jacob took were the things that belonged to him. But because God obviously had turned Laban’s plan around, he was upset. If he had given Jacob what he was supposed to give him in the first place, Jacob may not have gotten more than Laban had intended. So, Jacob took his family and left Laban’s house at night following the instructions of the Lord. 

I was raised in a family where before you left the house, you needed permission from everyone at home. And in ministry training, you are taught to be sent forth before leaving (and these are unarguably standing principles that shouldn’t be tossed aside). However, there are times when it’s not going to be that easy. If you find out that your neighbor was out to get you, will you take permission or let anyone know you were leaving? Or if your pastor, boss, or mom loves you too much to let you go, will you wait indefinitely? No! (I hope not). You’d quietly pack your bags and japa. In this case, it is not fear, it is wisdom.

Get Moving

Beloved, sometimes you just have to move and worry about protocols later. You don’t have the luxury of catering to what people expect because ain’t nobody got time for that. Your future and God’s assignment are more important than protocols (sometimes).

As a self-diagnosed people pleaser, I don’t like to leave places without everyone feeling happy about my departure. I didn’t use to think I would ever leave somewhere like a thief in the night, but I did. It hurt me and I hated being the bad guy but I knew that if I had a conversation I would have changed my mind as always. When I left I prayed every day for God to not count it against me. I thought I had ruined the 10 years I served there faithfully (because that’s what I was told) but God didn’t see it that way. He understood my flaws and saw the sincerity of my heart.

Why am I saying this? Because some of you should have moved to the next phase but you are too afraid to leave even when where you are is killing you. Get up and move tonight. Stop waiting for approval when you can clearly see that you won’t get it. This is not for the rebellious person who had in mind to sneak out anyway. This is for that person struggling to detach from a toxic place because of fear. Go and obey God, leave protocol. Run!!! 

That’s what Jacob did, and when Laban went after him God had to set him straight.

God’s Gat You

You have to understand that Jacob was not even aware that somebody was coming after him or that God was defending him. He simply obeyed God’s instructions. Plus he knew that he didn’t do any wrong to Laban, so he wasn’t looking over his shoulders to see if he was being chased. 

You might be on your journey not knowing that some people are planning to do you evil.  It could be the assignment or purpose that God has sent you to do. It could even be that God called you out from where you were and the people there don’t want to let you leave. The key is to let God handle that matter, when you do, God will defend you. 

Listen, there is nothing that they can do to you especially if your hands are clean and you did everything right. When God sees your sincerity and effort and the injustice that is being done to you, God will arise and defend you. So do not fear. Instead, trust Him.

Focus On Pleasing God

By the time Laban got to Jacob, he couldn’t do or say anything. He couldn’t carry out what was his plan so, he had no other choice than to establish a covenant with Jacob. Because if the person that you thought you could control turns out to be defended by God. Wouldn’t it be better to be at peace with him than to be against him? 

That’s what the Bible means when it says. “If the ways of a man pleases the Lord, He will make even his enemies to be at peace with him(Proverbs 16;7)”

There are people that will come to seek peace with you because if they go the other way, it’s going to be a problem for them. So do not despair, do not worry. If God is asking you to leave a place for another, do not be afraid of who’s coming after you because God has it under control and He’s making all your enemies to be at peace with you. 

But Pray

Present that worry you feel right now to God and let Him guide you and thank Him for defending you even as you obey Him.


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