• DAY 8
  • Fear File : The Israelites
  • Scripture: Exodus 14:15

And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

Exodus 14:15-16

What is the outcome of crying out to God, trusting Him and staying still? Victory! Salvation! And a dramatic one at that. (Click here to read yesterday’s post on staying still)

In our text today we see the most dramatic save in history. Hollywood, nollywood and all the other woods cannot write such a script. I encourage you to not only read the entire chapter but meditate on it. It will change your life.

Just before we see a miracle, we hear an instruction. Before the sea split, God said to His people GO FORWARD!

It is interesting to me that the same God who said stand still is the same God who said Go forward. “Yes. For you need stillness to move. All you were going to do before was in your might and strength and by strength shall no man prevail. But now that you are still, you can hear Me and in your stillness you shifted your gear from N to D. from Natural to Divine.”

You might be able to move on N but you will only destroy yourself and your purpose and quite frankly, you won’t get very far. But on D you have the capacity to move at maximum speed without restrictions.

So, God Forward!

“Go forward? To where sir? In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a sea there.” “I know, child. The sea is sitting on dry land and I’m about to show you! Moses, lift up your rod (the same rod that I had used to show you my power) stretch forth your hand (the same hand I used to show you a sign) and split the sea in two. Because I need to show the Egyptians that I am the way maker. I can make a way in the wilderness. I can bring water out of desert places. – I imagine this is how the conversation went.”

Beloved, what has God said to do in the stillness? Obey! Your obedience will unleash the resurrection power for your salvation. Go forward. The sea may look the same now but it will part as you approach the shores. You will pass on dry land, but your enemies will drown. Because the miracle that is designed to deliver you is also designed to drown your fears. 

Walk on child! Go Forward.

Click here to watch today’s video.

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