• DAY 58
  • Fear File: Peter, John & Co
  • Scripture: Acts 3:1-10

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Acts 3:6

Over the past couple of days, we’ve been studying the apostles, mostly Peter and John, the miracles they performed, and how they expressed courage and faith as apostles of Jesus Christ. So if you missed any of that, click here to start this study from where we started from. 

If you have been following this devotional from Day 1 then you already know that you have something to offer your world. But if you are just reading for the first time, let me start by reminding you of that fact. I know it may not seem like that from your perspective. And you may be doubting yourself saying, ‘what do I have to offer?’ Or ‘the thing I have is not in line with what God is asking me to do’ Or ‘the area God is calling me is not in the area of my skill.’ Listen, you have something and if God is calling you I guarantee you that the thing that you have is what is needed and necessary to fulfill your purpose.

I Don’t Have That

But what do you do if what is demanded of you sounds like what you cannot provide? What do you do when the purpose doesn’t match your skill or demand doesn’t match supply? 

In our text today, we see that Peter and John were required to give something they did not have. It’s like showing up for an interview and realizing that you do not have the years of experience required. Or you’re not even qualified for the role. You feel like you’ve been misinformed and now you’re in front of the interviewers speechless and feeling embarrassed and ashamed. 

Ain’t that how life is? Sometimes we come up on seasons when life demands much more than we can give and we just can’t deal. But ever so often, instead of realizing it’s beyond our scope we put ourselves under pressure trying to attain what we do not have so we can meet up with the demands. And sometimes these demands are not even from without, they are from within. We look over at our neighbour thinking, “I wish I had that and that makes us start seeking to get what “we”they” have and end up in unnecessary anxiety, disappointment, and depression.

Can I tell you that what you have is needed? The truth is that as long as you have it, there is room to express it. As long as God has given it to you, it means that it is necessary, important, and impactful and it will bless somebody’s life.

It’s Needed

The truth is that sometimes the world doesn’t know what it needs. For example, the world thinks that it needs more ‘self-love’ or more ‘selfishness’ or more ‘wokeness’ or more love and acceptance or more tolerance. But what the world needs is more light. We need often ask for what we think we need. Just like the man at the beautiful gate, what he wanted at that particular time was to have his needs met. What he asked for was money. Peter and John said, “I don’t have that but I have something that I think you need even more. I will give you what I have and you might realize that it’s what you need.” They were confident in what God had put in them and see what happened.

Isn’t this how God works with us sometimes? We pray to God, but He responds on the basis of the things we need not the things we want. That’s why some of the answers to our prayers don’t always look like the prayer itself. So when the world is asking for ‘silver and gold’ what they are really asking for is something more lasting. 

Beloved, give what you have! don’t let people confuse you or make you feel like you’re unqualified because you don’t have what they’re asking. No! Give what you have and if what you have is not required in the place that you are, then know that God is taking you to a place where what you have is required. 

Christ In you

I have been writing this on the assumption that you already discovered what you have. But if you haven’t, you can discover it. I will love to help you. I will be holding mentoring sessions on this and you can send me a DM online (@thecyndyluyi for quicker response) or an email to to be a part of it. While you are on this journey of discovery, let me remind you that you have Jesus in you. and as long as you have Jesus, you have everything, and you can be beneficial in the space or community that you are in. 

God is saying, “I have given you something, and it is valuable. You cannot allow the world to get you to think that it is not important, needed, or good enough because. Trust me and let it flow out of you. Don’t keep it to yourself. I do not waste talents or gifts, I released them upon you on purpose, and there’s someone waiting for you to come out and say you have that thing they need” remember ‘For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). Beloved, start manifesting

Pray with me

Father God, I pray that you will open my eyes to see that thing in me that my generation is crying for, that my nation is looking for, that my family needs. Open my eyes to see that which you have deposited in me, and give me the courage and confidence to give that which I have. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


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