- DAY 274
But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!”
Do you know what happens when we let fear sit? It opens the door to other things. We talked about this before when we said that fear is access. I heard Apostle Joshua Selman put it this way, “Fear is a door opening Spirit, It opens the door to everything else.” You have to understand that the enemy cannot get into your life without fear, that is his foothold. When fear appears it doesn’t end there, it will make room for other spirits. One of the most common is depression. Depression is the grown baby of the spirit of heaviness.
In our text today. We find that Elijah. Is in the wilderness on the run from Jezebel. All of sudden a seasoned prophet is asking God to take his life because he doesn’t want to live anymore. How did we go from witnessing a life-changing show-down with fireworks and bloodshed to thoughts of death? That is what happens when a moment of fear is left to turn into a long season.
Gladness for Heaviness
Mentally stable people don’t go around thinking of death not to mention praying about it. Only depressed people who have lost their soundness of mind do. That is one of the symptoms of depression and sometimes depressed people don’t mind if they end it themselves. You see fear cannot be trusted, it is there to carry out the mandate of the devil to steal, kill, and destroy. But thanks be to God who gives us victory and replaces the spirit of heaviness with the oil of gladness and a garment of praise.
Beloved, you have to recognize that if you are having any symptoms of depression it needs to go. Whether it is excessive fatigue, disinterest in things you love, faking joy and participation, or unusually craving isolation to go cry for no reason. Or when you start noticing that nothing ignites, excites, or motivates you. You spend your days sleeping, not eating enough overeating, or any other sign of depression
I need you to know that God has not given you that spirit. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, Every spirit of heaviness, every cloud of heaviness and depression lifts up of you and breaks out of your life, right now. I decree that the power of God evicts that sad gloomy spirit and overwhelms you with an overflowing joy, today in the name of Jesus.