For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”


When you gave your life to Christ, you became born again and God translated you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His glorious Son, He gave you His spirit. That Spirit in you is the confirmation of your new status in Christ and the seal of His adoption. Now you are no longer an orphan, you are His child. You belong in His family and you bear His name.

That spirit does not put you in bondage to fear; whether it’s fear of the future, fear of the past, or, most importantly, fear of your Father’s judgment. That spirit does not make you feel like you are unwanted, unapproved, unloved, or unaccepted by God. His spirit does not torment you it liberates you.

When a child is born and does not know his or her father or mother or where he/she belongs they will deal with identity crisis, low self-esteem, and abandonment issues. They’ll always feel unwanted and these feelings are rooted in fear. God did not want you to struggle to know and accept that you are His, so He gave you His spirit

You don’t have to struggle with those fears anymore, you don’t have to let it bind you. you are free from fear, you belong somewhere and you belong to someone. Fear cannot stay in the heart of the one who knows “whose” He is. Knowing that you are God makes you too courageous for fear to handle. You walk with a spring in your step and a chip on your shoulder.


I am free from all forms of fear. I belong to my Abba I have been adopted into the family of Christ. I am begotten of God so I’m no longer enslaved to fear I’m no longer bound by the spirit of fear. I’ve been set free by the spirit of adoption. In Jesus’ name. amen

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