• DAY 295
  • SCRIPTURES: Genesis 5:21-24

Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

genesis 5:21-24

I find this story of Enoch quite interesting. All that is recorded about him is his genealogy and the end of his existence. The only information we have about his time here on Earth is explained in one line, he walked with God. That’s it. No assignment was recorded just, “he walked with God.”

The same is said of him in Hebrews 11:5 “By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

What makes this interesting is that he is listed in the hall of faith (that’s what I call Hebrews 11) amongst other men of faith whose lives had more detail than his. For example, David. He was a mighty man of valor, a warrior. His story is littered in the Bible. We also have Abraham, Sarah, Gideon, Noah, and their faith. Even the likes of Rahab, a prostitute. These people did great things that gave us great stories. But all they said about him is that he walked with God. No drama.

A Worthy Legacy

We know that he lived, got married, and had children. But all we get is that he walked with God. The only other time we read of him is in Jude 1:14 where he is recorded to have prophesied. So he was a prophet of some sort. But the Bible didn’t take time to give us a lot of details about his life. And I wondered why. But I got my answer in Hebrews 11:5 “he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” The part That mattered to God in this man’s life was that he pleased Him.

What a legacy, pleasing God. Imagine that when you leave this earth this is all that is said of you. And Cyndy pleased God. Hallelujah!

Sometimes we are so focused on doing things. We want to be the mighty men of valor, the ones they write stories or make movies about The ones that others mention or quote. We want our faces everywhere and to be celebrated. All that is great if it is pleasing to God. What happens if pleasing God means we are behind the scenes and our praises are not sung by men? Will we be pleased?

A Life Pleasing To God

At the end of the day, what is faith? Isn’t it pleasing God? Whether in obedience, courage, quietness, or trust. We only please God by faith. That’s why in the midst of all these people with colorful lives and flamboyant stories we have this man who didn’t really do much by our standards. Yet God made sure he was included so we know that faith is not only for doing great things but for pleasing God.

Beloved, you might be at the center of the will of God but there is not much story written about you. I know of pastors, preachers, and missionaries who are doing amazing things and raising giant men in ministry, yet nobody knows their names. Each day they wake up with joy and do their work with faith and audacity. And I know men who are not in ministry but are raising their family in the way of the Lord, their names may never be written in any book published by men but God has added them in His book because they pleased Him.

All That Matters

It is okay to be like Enoch and all you have accomplished is your relationship with God. Don’t bother about anything else. Just keep pleasing God with the way you do your job and the way you live your life. In the end, you will see Jesus and He will be proud of you. So make a commitment today to walk with God. Resolve within yourself that you will be a person of unwavering faith; on your job, in your neighborhood, or as a stay-at-home parent. That is all that matters to God.

I pray that when your time here on earth is done, no matter what you gained or acquired, may it be said of you. That man walked with God. In Jesus’ name.


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