• DAY 59
  • Fear File: YOU
  • Scripture: Philippians 4:6

“Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭AMP‬‬

This is a popular scripture on anxiety and my personal favorite, rightly so. It not only says what not to do but what to do. First, I believe that as a member of this tribe, you already know by now that anxiety and worry are manifestations of fear. So you have to come out of it.

Similar But Different

Worry and anxiety may be synonymous but they do not carry the same weight or outcome in most cases. Worry is usually specific and directed at a particular thing. E.G. the school fees of your children. But the moment that is sorted, the worry is elevated and you are free of the thought. Worry can cause sleepless nights and elevated bp but it is easier to overcome than anxiety.

Anxiety can start or include worrying but it has a physical impact, it is much more difficult to control, and is most times irrational because it overestimates the outcome. Anxiety can cause blackouts, irrational behavior, heart attacks, irregular bowel movement, skin conditions, insomnia, etc. Real events fuel worry but most anxieties are caused by imagined scenarios. However, what is most common of both of them is that they are directed at things we do not have the ability to control or fix immediately

I could go on listing the physiological effects of these conditions and how they can affect your health but this is not the day for that. Just know that they are detrimental to your health and well-being. So when God says do not worry, it’s because He is trying to save your life. The healthier you are, the more chances you have at a long and purposeful life.

Be Specific

Considering that petition is a kind of prayer, I always wondered why God used “and” to join them. Then I read this verse in the amplified and it made sense. The word “specific” cleared it right up. Just recently, my husband was telling me about a conversation he had with Jesus. He was thanking Him for how He answered a particular prayer. But Jesus said I could have done it differently had you been more specific. That really cut deep. Specific prayers are super important. You may feel like you are trying to tell God what to do but that’s not true. When you ask your father for fees you state the amount don’t you? You have to be specific. But there are times when you do not even know what the details are so specificity seems impossible, that’s where the Holy Spirit comes in. He helps us when do not know what to pray as we ought. 

Specific prayers have principles. It is not just about stating what you want in detail but also stating what God’s word says about your request in detail as well. Research the book, chapter, and verse, and put the scripture right next to the request. God cannot answer any prayer that is outside the word.

Give Thanks

“Thank you” is an expression of gratitude to someone for what they gave or did for you, it usually comes after you have received. So, when you pray with thanksgiving, it becomes an expression of faith that you already have what you have asked. We should pray this way every time, especially when addressing our father. When casting a demon you might not need that because you are addressing that foul spirit. But when you are talking to your Father, “thank you” should accompany your request. When you do that, you’re saying, God, I trust that you have already done what I asked according to your word

Then Peace

I wish there was a way to explain this kind of peace, but by nature, it surpasses all understanding. How do you explain being at peace even though your landlord gave you a quit notice? Your bags are outside but you aren’t even phased, it’s not natural. But it is attainable through prayer. Don’t forget that the goal of peace is to protect your heart. why? because anxiety, like any other fear, is aimed at your faith. and your heart is the entryway. whatever gets to your heart will surely affect your life. So God is protecting you with His peace. It is not the piece of the world, but the peace of Christ as promised in John 14.

Let’s Practice

Father God, I thank you for (put your request) Your word says in (put the scripture), therefore, I decree that I have (be specific), and I thank you because you’ve heard me and it is done. in Jesus’ name. Amen


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  1. Thank you ma, for enlightening this scripture!..
    My eyes of understanding was opened, and I was Blessed!..

    Thank you!

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