faith sets you back


  • DAY 40
  • Fear File: Israelites
  • Scripture: Numbers 14:25

Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwell in the valley; tomorrow turn and move out into the wilderness by the Way of the Red Sea.

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In our text, the Israelites were literally at the end of their journey, they could see the promised land and they were just days away from it but because of fear, they had to spend another 40 years stuck in the wilderness. So here God was telling them to go back. Can you imagine starting over when you are almost at the end? But this is what fear can do.

Fear can set your life back by decades. Not everyone gets disinherited as this generation of Israelites, some get delayed. When we entertain fear at any point in our journey we get stuck where we are and that, my friends, is a setback.

I find that the most difficult time to persevere is when the end is near. It seems that the closer we get to the end the more impatient we become. Hell throws its best shot hoping that you do something that disqualifies you from the promise. This is why we ought to be sensitive in our walk with God and our journey of faith. Because some of us are not even aware that we are one step away from our breakthrough.

You’re almost there

The thing with faith is we don’t always have all the details. We don’t know everything. God doesn’t always reveal what day and time is the fullness of time. The Kairos moment is not specified. Will it be today? Or tomorrow. Or the second Sunday in May? Can God just give us a hint? But we rarely know even though we really want to. So we have to live each day faithfully. But in my walk with God, I have learned that when the heat feels turned up, the breakthrough is next. 

I will give you an example. Getting married was something I always wanted to do at God’s leading, just like in every other area of my life. But before I met my husband I had the worst marital pressure ever. One time I almost change my mind about a guy I had been saying no to for 8 whole years. And after that, I entered the worst relationship of my life and I almost married the guy. It never occurred to me that the fact that I was no longer walking in God’s peace in this area was a sign that I was close to the end of my single days. Had God not stepped in, I would be in a miserable marriage or probably divorced. 

Beloved, watch the seasons that you feel the most impatient, let that be a sign that you are coming up on a breakthrough. Instead of doubt, rejoice in faith. This isn’t always easy, but God is merciful. So, even when we slip up, He helps us regain our faith, and the moment we do we see things change. But it would be a lot faster had we stayed on course.

When you feel anxious or pressured, one thing you can do is remind yourself actively of what the word of God says concerning what you are believing for. You can share your struggles with your community of believers and get the needed support for your faith journey.

If you feel like this is that pressure season for you, take a moment to ask the father for the grace to persevere and the strength to overcome the pressure. if you feel like you may have let fear win and now you are off the track, take a moment to ask the father to bring you back in alignment by his mercy. and he will hear you in Jesus’ name.


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