• DAY 37
  • Fear File: Israelites
  • Scripture: Numbers 14

So all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried, and the people wept that night. And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregation said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt! Or if only we had died in this wilderness! Why has the Lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword, that our wives and children should become victims? Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let us select a leader and return to Egypt.”

EXODUS 14:1-3

Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Numbers is the focus for this season and we will sit with it for as long as it takes for us to hear all God has to say to us in this season. Again, you will have to read the entire scripture to fully understand the gist of the drama at play here and in any case, reading the word for yourself is the only way to know the truth for yourself. 

Rebellion – insubordination, disobedience, defiance

In our text today we have the reaction/response of the children of Israel to the bad report they received from the spies. These rascals did everything but curse God. they let Moses and Aaron have it and then they planned on how to stone Caleb and Joshua to death. Maybe it’s just me but I think that was a tad too far. However, their murderous thoughts were not what earned them the badge of rebellion. It was their complaint against God and their rejection of Him. As we read in verses 11& 27 “Then the Lord said to Moses: “How long will these people reject Me? How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who complain against Me?

This Is Rebellion

But excuse me, God? When did they complain against you? Did we not just read that they complained about their leaders? And when did they reject you? They only asked for new leaders. “Well,” God says, “when they complained against the structure I put in place they complained against me. And when you chose their way over mine they rejected me. They refused to believe that I knew what I was doing when I brought them out of Egypt and although I had shown them countless signs of my wondrous power, they choose to believe the report of another over my promise. In this way, they rebelled against me.”

You might be thinking that you are a far cry from the Israelites and you will never do what they did but I will urge you to examine the things you said and thought when you felt like God hadn’t answered your prayers and kept His word. When we get anxious we forget that God hears us in our silence just as he does every other day. And we say things like, “God I’m tired, why do I always have to have to struggle? Everyone else has it easy” or “what is the benefit of serving if I am going through all this?”

And God Said

“Every promise I made to you I fulfilled, and every time I said I will supply I did. I put you back together when your relationship broke you. I delivered your kids from the corruption prevalent in the world. And I chose you as my own to be called by my name and carry my precious spirit and presence within you. Why do you still doubt what I can and cannot do? Am I not able to deliver again?
Is my hand too short and my ears and eyes now dim that you conclude that I no longer hear because I do not answer at your time? Did I not say be of good courage? Did I not say take no thought? Have I not proven myself enough? Why do you choose to base your love for me on how well I adjust to your desires? I AM and will always be. Nothing is too hard for me. But you have chosen an alliance with your fears over my promise. now, be it unto you according to your faith.”

Beloved, fear does lead to rebellion but when it is a habit, it becomes rebellion in itself. God expects us to look at His track record and use it as evidence that He is faithful. We cannot allow fear to make us turn on Him. 

A Simple Prayer

Dear God, I repent. My heart was focused on all the reports the world was giving and not your report. I know that you are merciful always so I come before your mercy seat asking that you help my heart trust you. It is so easy for me to focus on what is before me but I know that my hope should be in the One that is in me. So today I ask that you show me mercy and I obtain grace to trust in your promise over my fear. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen


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