• DAY 39
  • Fear File: Caleb and Joshua
  • Scripture: Numbers 14:24&30

But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. Except for Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun, you shall by no means enter the land which I swore I would make you dwell in.

Numbers 14:24&30

Before we talk about the ten times the Israelites rebelled, like I promised yesterday we will take a 2-day detour starting today. If you haven’t been following this series, click here to start from the beginning.

Let’s dive in

What I love about today is the hope it gives me. After the sober reflection triggered by yesterday’s topic, I needed comfort for my soul and here it is: If I have faith in God, I will always be rewarded by the fulfillment of His promise. God doesn’t batch us all into one category, He is known to separate the faithful.

A Different Kind Of Spirit

Faith requires a different spirit. Truth is, it isn’t easy to swim against the tide. In most cases, it is the difference between life and death, acceptance or rejection, social compliance, or social awkwardness. See anyone who consistently stands out, they are wired differently. Ask the psychologists.

God said about Caleb that he had a different spirit. This was also true for Joshua, son of Nun. When the spies decided to spread fear amongst the children of Israel, these two had the courage to speak faith. They were more convinced about what God had said than what their eyes had seen. We are talking about men who did not yet have the Holy Spirit abiding on the inside of them.  I believe that what gave them different spirits was their meditation and focus on God’s word. We know this, because of what they said to the children of Israel: “we are able… if God delights in us, He will give us the land.”

Beloved confidence doesn’t just jump on you. It comes from an awareness of God’s promise over your circumstance. And can I remind you that you have the spirit of the Lord abiding on the inside of you? so you even have a better chance at being more courageous, than Joshua, and Caleb, yet you are living your life going with the crowd, tossed by the wind, instead of standing apart and standing on the Lord’s side.

You are the exception

The part that gives me so much joy in our text today is the phrase “except for.” Do you know what that means? It means that God separated the faithful from the faithless, and the courageous from the fearful. When He took stock and passed judgment, He separated Joshua and Caleb.

This should come as good news to every person who is standing out in the midst of conformity. You who is sticking with God, even in the midst of persecution, and upholding the word of God, instead of going with the world. God has decreed an “except for” word over you. Your God is faithful, and He will not consume the righteous with the ungodly, He creates a separation. God has separated you for a blessing, He has chosen you for favor, and marked you for protection. Why? because you believe in Him.

It’s Not In Vain

Let me remind you that you are not believing in God in vain, you are not trusting God in vain, you are not hoping in God in vain, and you are not holding on to His promises in vain. There is a reward for your faith. God is a rewarder of them that seek Him. He will not forget your labor of love, He will not toss aside your commitment to him. He will uphold you with His righteous right hand. Just don’t stop believing. Hold on, to what the Lord has said, and you what He promised.

What is your reward? Your expected end. When you read the book of Deuteronomy, you will discover that Caleb and Joshua received the land that they believed God could give them. the same land they explored with all the other spies. Some of us think that because it’s taking time our faith may not amount to anything. But that’s a lie. You will get what he promised you, so do not be afraid.

Pray With Me.

Dear Father, thank you for being the kind of God that is faithful to His promise. Thank you for the assurance that You will always keep your word I know that sometimes my heart shakes. I may not tell anybody about it, but sometimes I wonder when you will do what you said and if you will do it on time. But now I am reminded that you are watching over your word to perform it and you can never disappoint or fail. So I pray for the grace to continue to hold on to you even when my hands are slippery and for the courage to continue to confess your word, even when my hope is waning. In Jesus’ name. Amen


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