• DAY 314

Now it happened after these things that the son of the woman who owned the house became sick. And his sickness was so serious that there was no breath left in him. So she said to Elijah, “What have I to do with you, O man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance, and to kill my son?”

When we first encountered the widow of Zarephath she was in lack. She only had one meal left for she and her son but she was faithful enough to use what she had to make for Elijah first. She believed God’s promise of provision and took a step of faith that saved she and her son from starvation. However, in our text today she not acting faithful or courageous at all.

She is looking at her dead son and regretting ever believing this prophet in the first place. She is no longer convinced that his presence is a blessing. I’ve learned that on this journey of faith, sometimes we experience fluctuations. Highs and lows of faith just like on any path. This woman’s grief had brought her to a low. (Let me be clear, becoming stable in your faith is possible and that is the goal.)

Sometimes when we go through tough times in life and our faith experiences turbulence and we shake. But this doesn’t always mean that we have automatically stepped out of faith. It just means that in that season, we need more grace and help to find our way back and from that experience our faith will gain more strength to stand when the next wave hits.

This woman went to Elisha, she went there throwing a tantrum but at least she went to the right person. When you feel this way, when you feel like your faith is waning, do not be afraid. The same God that performed the miracle of providing for you, keeping you alive, strengthening you, and preserving your family, will provide the miracle of getting you out of this situation. So go to Him for help. And the way to make your faith more stable is to continue to go to Him even when your faith is not under attack and you are enjoying stillness.

If this is your shaky season, pray this, “God, this season seems tough, but I want to still have faith and believe in you. I refuse to be afraid or doubt your faithfulness to me, but I’m struggling. So, I ask that You help me out of this situation because I know you have already made a way. Open my eyes to see the way you’ve made and give me the confidence in this moment where I don’t feel confident in your word. In Jesus’ name.


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  1. Good day dear sis! I thank God for the great work He is using you for. Honestly, I am being blessed and ministered to daily through this. God is using you to address my situation presently.
    I wrote an exam which was supposed to promote me greatly. Some cheated but I didn’t. I did my best. I am surprised at the result. God had declared a lot concerning the exam and the attendant promotion and now I have the opposite of all He decreed. I am really struggling on this. I have cried and cried. Prayed and still praying but I am daily finding comfort in the Lord. It is hard to explain but I trust Him all the same. Thank you once again for doing His will.

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