Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
– Ephesians 3:20
Do me a favor, that place you wrote your dreams( I hope you wrote it) kindly bring it out and look at it again. Ask yourself this, “Is it big enough for God?” Because the Bible says God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think
Exceedingly: to an unusual degree; very; extremely Abundantly: very; plentifully; in abundance
When you look up the meaning of that phrase in your bible dictionary you realize that it is one word and it describes being superfluous or excess in both quality and quantity. In English, these two words are almost synonymous yet they are used together because that was the best way they could capture what that word meant.
Exceedingly abundantly may sound like an overkill to others but as a Nigerian, I get how saying the same things twice gives emphasis. We say “now now,” “well well,” “quick quick,” “sharp sharp,” etc. So using two words that are similar in expression, side by side, is God’s way of saying that your mind cannot even comprehend how great My thoughts and plans are for you.
Afraid To Dream
When we write our dreams, we rarely go farther than our bank balance can carry or our capacity can manage. Fear of disappointment and failure stops us from expanding our dreams to God-size realms. Even our big dreams are still conceivable because we have a strategy.
God is saying to someone, “if you thought about it, if it entered your mind, no matter how big it seems, it is too small for ME.” Beloved, you need to start dreaming big dreams and these dreams can ONLY be inspired by God. So please do me a favour and rewrite your small dreams to match God’s capacity
I refuse to reduce God to the size of my dreams. I dream big dreams and my dreams are God-breath and God sponsored. Today, I have walked into the realms of exceedingly, abundantly, above all I can ask or think. Amen.