- DAY 4
- Fear File: Lot’s Wife
- Scripture: Genesis 19:17 & 26
So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.” But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19:17 & 26
Something in me cannot relate to Lot’s wife. I can’t seem to find any sympathy or empathy for her salty end. Quite frankly, I’m thinking, “serves you right.” (I know, I need prayers). I keep wondering what made her look back. Cos’ if I was asked to run for my life, away from fiery destruction, and not to look back, you best believe my heels will be touching the back of my head. I might not even pack up anything. And this is not an exaggeration. I once had to run from shooters who attacked our high school, I heard “run” and I did. I left everything behind. And I never turned around and looked back, not even once. But we aren’t talking about me.
In our text, we find the unnamed wife of Lot looking back. We read how she and her family had to be taken by hand (literally dragged, see yesterday’s post) out of the city because they hesitated. And although she was now out of harm she couldn’t let go.
I find that hesitation has a side effect called nostalgia. Often, when we hesitate, we tend to crave what we left and where we left. Some disguise it as closure and some as reminiscing. but it is fear – fear of the future, fear of the unknown.
The Curious Case Of An Attractive Past
What is it about what is behind us that calls our attention? What is it about our past that makes us nostalgic? It’s almost as if we rewrite the past and paint it beautifully in our memory. We desire the good old days but what really is that? How can what is behind you be better than what is ahead of you if God is the one directing you?
Lot’s wife looked back at a city where her daughters were almost raped by an angry mob. The Israelites longed for a nation that enslaved them because they had better food. And I looked back at a job that held up my salary for months. And somehow, our nostalgia made sense.
For some of us, God moved us from “success.” We were doing fine before He said to start a business and now we are almost bankrupt. The relationship was good. He loved you and understood you but he just didn’t believe in God. “Surely, that doesn’t make him a bad person.” You think to yourself. And it is all these thoughts that make you look back. Especially if the present doesn’t match your expectations. But God is saying, don’t look back!
Can You Not See It?
“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. –
Isaiah 43:18-19
And there lies the reason why we look back. We do not see it. Our eyes are open to our present and not to God’s promise. Can you not see it? what has your attention? How did you miss all the signs? I AM was pretty clear but you were looking behind you the whole time. It is time to turn aside and see the great sight as Moses did because you’re beginning to taste salty.
Can I tell you something? you might have guessed? Your future is way more beautiful than your present. There is nothing in your past that can beat what’s in your future.
God is doing a new thing and to walk in it. You have to let go of your past.
This was really timely!
I have been looking back due to fear, because my present doesn’t match God’s promise. But I’m letting go of the fear of the unknown, I’m letting go of what ifs. To the glory of God.
*Can I tell you something? you might have guessed? Your future is way more beautiful than your present. There is nothing in your past that can beat what’s in your future*😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Anytime I’m tempted to look back, I’ll come back to this particular one😭.