- DAY 12
- Fear File : Abraham
- Scripture: Genesis 17:18-20
And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!” Then God said: “No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him.
Genesis 17:18-20
If you ask any administrator worth their salt they’ll tell you that fall back plans are non negotiable when planning. You need to have plan B, C and D for when plan A doesn’t work. Your fallback plan might just be what saves your entire project.
The interesting thing is we have fallback plans in life. We freeze eggs so that if marriage delays we can have kids through surrogacy. Or we opt for having kids when we don’t get the husband and the biological clock is ticking. Not to mention the famous line of our parents, “go to school, son, so incase this your pipe dream of being an artist doesn’t work out you can have something to fall back on.”
There Goes Time
We make these plans because we are anxious (afraid) that we might not inherit the promise before the time runs out. We have such plans because we believe it is the logical thing to do.
For Sarah, Hagar was a fall back plan. By human calculation, her time had passed and her womb could not do what it was meant to do. so she offered her husband, her maid.
For Abraham, Ishmael was his fallback plan. So after he had laughed on hearing God’s promise, he presented his back up plan to God.
Ain’t it funny how we make up our own plans outside of God’s will and we present it to him to bless it? We choose a career that constantly contradicts our faith and we pray that it prospers. We choose the person that doesn’t share our life goals, our beliefs, our desire to live holy as our spouse and we ask God to bless the marriage. But thank God for his mercies.
Sometimes our back up is a clear disobedience to God’s word. But, “God understands,” we say. We are constantly choosing our way instead of His and all the while he is saying NO!
Stick With The Promise
“No! Ishmael may be your plan but he is not mine. I know you created this plan because you were anxious that you had no heir but your plan doesn’t nullify my promise. I will bless your plan because I am merciful but I will not make it my plan because you already have it. What I said I will do, I will do.” Saith the Lord.
Beloved, we have to be careful not to let fear make us make our own plans. History has shown that our plans will always fight our promise. Instead, trust God and hold him by his word. It might not be easy because you can see time pass you by. You can see your mates leave you behind. But God is a great restorer. All the years you waited shall be redeemed. When it’s your season, you will be amazed that you didn’t miss anything after all.
Before you go, take a moment to watch today’s accompanying video here.
Also, today’s post is a continuation of a series catch up on yesterday here.
”But God is a great restorer. All the years you waited shall be redeemed. When it’s your season, you will be amazed that you didn’t miss anything after all”.
It always hits! You always hit the nail on the head. Never misses.
Thank you, for yielding.