I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
PSALM 34:4
There are some fears that to overcome them you have to deliberately seek God you have to go into the secret place, before the presence of the Lord, and seek Him. It might require that you set some time apart for fasting and prayer because this particular fear needs attention, it demands your focus and may require that you fight to get it out.
For example, you are afraid that you will die or the doctor gave you a certain report and that report is plaguing your heart and your mind. You will need to set out time to sit with the word, write out scriptures that address that fear, and attack that fear at its root. By praying those scriptures and declaring God’s word.
When you seek God, you get delivered. His deliverance could be that He gives you a word to fight with. Or it could mean that He reassures you of His peace and presence.
Decree over yourself and say, “The Lord is my deliverer. He hears me when I call and delivers me from all my fears. There is no fear that is too difficult for my God to deliver me from. Therefore, in His name, I cast out every form of fear manifested in my life, today. In the name of Jesus.” Amen.