”And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.“
Matthew 6:14 NKJV
Forgiveness is not easy to do otherwise it would not be one of the major issues we face today. So many marriage failures, illnesses, and depression can be linked to a hurt that has not been forgiven.
I don’t want to deny myself the blessing of God’s forgiveness but some debtors are too arrogant to be remorseful and it hurts to forgive them when I know they haven’t changed their behavior. Yet God says our forgiveness from Him is tied to our forgiveness of others.
First Forgive
This means I have to forgive if I want to be forgiven. My heart cannot be filled with bitterness and I will still have room to receive God’s forgiveness. One has to give way for the other. You are going to need grace that is greater than your human capacity to practice forgiveness. If we are to forgive 70 times 7 times and at the same time not hold a grudge or let the Sun go down on our anger, we would need help that only prayer can grant.
So when you wake up in the morning ask that the Lord will grant you the grace to forgive those who trespassed against you. Because Jesus said that offenses will come. If it doesn’t come while in traffic, it might happen as a result of a comment online or a disappointment from a friend. So you’re gonna have to make up your mind to forgive in advance. Ask God to teach you.
Lord, teach my heart to forgive. I decree that my heart is tenable and easy to forgive. I forgive in advance before the hurt even arises. I receive the grace and the strength to forgive all of my debtors and all of the people who have hurt and offended me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.