No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
PSALM 91:10-12
When I think of a plague I think of Egypt and the plagues they had to experience because they refused to let the children of Israel go—the darkness, the frogs, the locusts, the hail stones, etc. There is nothing to look forward to in a plague neither is there anything good about evil.
Anything that is not good for you or against God’s will for your life can be categorized as evil. Whether the evil is in your country, or your family or targeted at your heart, God says no evil shall befall you, it shall not come upon you.
No plague shall come near your dwelling just as Israel was exempted from the plague so you shall be exempted. It will be darkness all around but upon you, the light will shine, and glory will rise upon you.
No evil shall befall me and plagues are far from me. Angels have been given charge over me and they are protecting me from all forms of evil. I am separated and protected in all my ways I am kept in the name of Jesus amen