In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.

ISAIAH 54:14

The Lord has separated you from all forms of oppression. Far means that there is a distance between you and all forms of oppression that might be directed at you. When oppression is coming from the East, you are probably in the west. And when oppression is coming from the north, there you are in the south.

Just as Israel sprinkled blood on their doors and at night when destruction was going about to take the firstborn of Egypt, it did not come near them. It went over their homes and properties because the blood protected them. 

Concerning you and your house, you are set far from oppression. The blood of Jesus has separated you. Can you declare that? 


The blood has separated me from all forms of oppression, terror, and fear. I am established in righteousness and I am far from oppression. No weapon formed against me shall find my location. I am far from it. In Jesus name, Amen.


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