‘The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.’ –Proverbs 10:22

There are so many get-rich-quick schemes out there and a lot of people fall for it. Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, fraud, and spiritual means, people are doing anything they can find to get rich as quickly as they can. You can guess how these strategies end. 

I know of men who help you attain wealth and expect you to become their maid. Some sing of their help and tag you a charity case but God doesn’t. When He blesses you and you become rich there are no strings attached or side effects. He blesses you and that’s it.  

Beloved, God doesn’t bless you with one hand and curse you with another. He isn’t going to give you a blessing that will destroy your life. His blessings don’t come with sorrow. So let him be the one to bless you. He has already blessed us with all blessings, we just have to believe and receive.

Father we thank you for your blessing. I know I don’t have to worry about my finances because you have it covered in your blessing. I declare today that I have stepped into the riches that your blessing provides. In Jesus name. Amen


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