“And you know that with all my might I have served your father. Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.”

­Genesis 31:6-7 NKJV

What do you do when you are working with a difficult boss? When you have an employer that is hell bent on frustrating you, doesn’t like you, has a terrible character, determined to cheat you in every way possible, abusive, impossible to please or talks down on you, How do you handle it as a believer? Jacob and Joseph had difficult bosses. 

Joseph’s boss was awesome but his wife? that one was toxic. She wanted to bed an innocent teenage boy because he was fine. She should be sued for hostile work environment, child abuse, sexual harrassment, attempted rape and any other thing we can find. That lady nasty and she ended up framing Joseph for refusing her. 

How did Joseph respond? He worked hard and stayed faithful to God and Potiphar.

A Tale of Deceit

Jacob’s boss, Laban, was a Grade A deceiver. Jacob worked seven years for Rachael and he sent Leah to him. And made him work 7 more years for the woman he wanted. He ended up with two wives when he only wanted one.

But that’s not all. He changed his wages 10 times and the change was not for the better. When they agreed that he will take the speckled lamb, Laban sent his sons to remove all the speckled lamb so Jacob will end up with nothing (Genesis 30:25-36). 

How did Jacob react? He stayed faithful. And served him with all his might.

When some of us encounter a horrible boss we become horrible. We cheat the company, steal from them, give our barest minimum and pay them in their own coin but this is not God’s best or is this the believer’s way. You will have to answer to God for the work you do in that company.

What To Do

What should you do? First pray. You could be there on a divine assignment so ask God for wisdom to navigate the situation. Quitting is also a viable option. But if you remain there be sure to be faithful, true and right-standing with God.

Ask God right now to give you the grace to manage the situation and navigate the challenges in this your job. Pray in Jesus name amen.


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