”So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.“

daniel 6:4 NKJV

This is day 12 of declaring over our business and the work of our hands and our text today is amazing. Let me give you a background story.

The king thought it wise to set, to set governors over provinces so that he will not be defrauded. He chose 120 people and put 3 adminstrators over them including Daniel, who had an excellent spirit and wisdom beyond his time. He was a great staff to have and every employer would want him in Leadership.

Office Drama

He was so excellent that the king wanted to set him above all the administrators, making him the number one man. However, his colleagues, the other administrators and subordinates, the satraps (governors) were not pleased with this and decided to get rid of him. The only problem was, “They could find no charge or corruption, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.” (CSB). He was squeaky clean. This how I know that Daniel was not a Nigerian politician. 😂😂

Now let’s look at this from two perspectives.


First from the side of his employer, the king. What a blessing to go to sleep knowing that the men working for you are faithful. Darius was trying to mitigate fraud and Daniel was the right man for the job.
May the Lord bless your business with faithful men. May dubious people be far from your establishment. In Jesus name.


Now look at this from the persepective of an employee. Daniel was under attack because he was doing what was right. Sometimes, this is the fate of faithful men. Unfaithful men seek to displace them so that they can carry on their dubious ways. But this should not make you any less faithful. Do not be afraid.

Instead ask the Lord to give you courage to stay faithful in what your hands find to do. Put your hands in your chest and say, I am a person of integrity in my place of work. In Jesus name. Amen


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