”…The queen spoke, saying, “O king, live forever! Do not let your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance change. There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father—your father the king—made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers.“
Daniel 5:10-11 NKJV
Being remembered is great but not all remembrances lead to anything worthwhile. Some people remember and still for some reason they fail to recommend the person they remember. Like, there are times I’ve remembered a brand or a handyman and i thought to try someone new instead. Not because they were bad but because I just wanted someone else. There are cases where the rememberer does not have the courage to speak up and recommend.
I mean, the guy that recommended Joseph could have just kept quiet because he he just came out of trouble 2 years ago. And the man he was recommending was a prisoner. But by the mercies of God that is not what happened. You see when your time comes nobody can stop your arising.
Being remembered and then recommended are gifts only God can give. I pray for every person who needs a recommendation. Either for a job or a promotion may you be remembered and recommended just as Daniel was in our text today.
And the interesting thing is we don’t even know of this woman until now. Most of the people who recommend us to power might not be people who have had time in the spotlight. They might be the people that we so easily pass by. Nonetheless, the favour of God will cause them to remember you.
My name will be mentioned in rooms I haven’t walked in before. I’ll be recommended before people who have power and capacity. I am recommended in places of power, before the right people. The right audience, the right customers, clients, bosses, and people who have what I need. I’m recommended today. In Jesus’ name.