“Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”
Psalm 2:8
This is something I believe and know to be true you’re never going to take over the world or have dominion staying stuck to a small part of it. Those who influence the world have expanded beyond their immediate location and their businesses have footprints, access, or physical presence in the global market (and the thing is, it is easier to attain today with social media than decades ago).
Whether it is the blender that is cooking up a storm online and making people do crazy recipes or it is the ministry that has different branches all over the nation or broadcasts that get to different people in the world.
God has given us a mandate to increase, multiply, subdue, and have dominion over the earth; that can only be done through expansion. He has promised us that if we ask him for this expansion He will give it to us.
Ask Him
As a staff, expansion could mean being recognized as a voice in that field and having opportunities to impact other people with your knowledge and skill beyond your employer.
As a business, it could mean having branches across the state or nation or attracting clients in foreign countries and continents. Whatever the case, expansion is God’s plan for you. He is waiting for you to ask Him for nations. As you ask Him, He will give you wisdom and insight on how to go about this expansion. He will send you people that will expand your reach and launch you into different parts of the world and you’ll be amazed. So ask Him right now.
Father, I ask you for nations. I ask you for every state/province in my country and every country in the world. I have influence in every currency and footprint in every nation, tribe, and tongue in the name of Jesus
This is a topic of joy and the prayer itself is filled with joy and love. OP, you’re a joyful and peaceful person. Take it from me, JEHOVAH has blessed you with his peace and joy and Lucifer himself knows he can’t rob you off your blessing. This is the greatest gift God has given to you and start praising God by thanking and praising him for who he is.
Much Love 💕 💕 From Djanta “Wadada” Koffi.