Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.”

‭‭Proverbs 22:29

You cannot separate consistency or being constant from the definition of diligence. It goes hand in hand. A diligent person is consistent at being good at what they do and at being excellent. People know that they will always deliver the same quality. Customers trust that the product will be as good today as it was yesterday. Consistency is key. Coke has had the same taste for years even when packaging and prices changed.

I’ve fallen short of diligence a couple of times. Sometimes, I took on more than I could handle. Other times I took on a new staff and that change cost me quality and quantity. But I tell myself, “Sis, if you want God to prosper what you’re doing, then you have to have integrity with Him. 

As believers, God is the one that causes us to excel and the one that promotes us in our work, that means, our diligence cannot just be a mere appearance of diligence before others. It has to be true diligence before God. 

Sometimes I may say, I can’t show up, but it’s not true. And God knows it’s not true. Before Him, I was not diligent. If you’ve ever done that then this is an opportunity to ask God for mercy. Pray “For the times we knew we could have just put in the effort and done better but didn’t. Lord, show us your mercy. From now on, we want to be diligent, so we ask for your grace. In the name of Jesus.” 

Diligence will always take you further. It will open doors for you and put you before kings. Even ordinary men will promote you when you are diligent. How much more will God promote you when he sees that you are diligent in your work no matter what?


I am diligent, and I am consistent in what I’m doing. I’m consistently excellent. I do not waver in the quality or level of skill that I bring to the table. I am diligent in my work before God and before man. And so I decree that I stand before kings and not mean men. Kings locate me. People who can pay for the resources that I bring to the table, find me. In the name of Jesus. AMEN


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