Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

PSALM 51:10

Why is a clean heart important? because out of the heart flows the issues of life. Whatever gets to your heart has come to stay. There are a lot of junk stuff we let into our hearts these days that comes from social media, music, movies, thoughts, gist, interactions, gossip, etc. These activities are not all sinful but; what is the content of the said movie? What kind of music is it? That is what determines filt or not.

Sometimes these thoughts take years to get purged out of our system (mind and memory). There are some worldly songs from years ago that randomly pop into my head when I’m busy minding my business. The memory is still there and sometimes the feelings they evoke. 

Cleanse My Heart

I remember praying this prayer earnestly when I was struggling with sexual images flashing in my mind, especially during ovulation. And again when I was bitter towards someone who had offended me. I asked God to cleanse my mind of these images and purge my heart of the seed of bitterness. I can tell you that prayer works wonders. It took a while but as I kept crying to God one day I realized it had been years since I had those thoughts or anger toward that person.

When you say this prayer, you are asking God to cleanse every junk that’s in your heart and whatever is in you that is not of Him or is unprofitable for you, should be removed and uprooted. You cannot live a righteous and holy life without a clean heart. Your actions follow the condition of your heart. So ask the Lord to cleanse your heart.


Create in me a clean heart, O Lord. Purge me of anything that does not look like you. Cleanse my heart of sinful thoughts and memories. Let every seed of bitterness wither from its root. Make my heart a suitable dwelling place for You. In Jesus amen.


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