He frustrates the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot carry out their plans. He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them. They meet with darkness in the daytime, and grope at noontime as in the night.

Job 5:12-14

Crafty people come to you with hidden agendas and wrong motives. Presenting themselves to you as one thing but something entirely different is their heart. They show you good vibes, but deep within they seek their gain at the expense of yours. They work so hard to hide their intentions because if you get a whiff of it, they’d be far from you but in their craftiness they forget the just God that sees all. The Bible says that when you come in contact with such people all their plans will be frustrated.

It doesn’t matter how they come or what area of your life they aim at, all their plans will be frustrated. And their cunning plans will become their portion. Declare this over yourself, your children, and your entire family. But also over your nation. In every position of power or governmental office occupied by crafty men, their plans and devices will be frustrated.

It Will Backfire

In Esther 5, Haman was advised by his wife and friends to make gallows to hang Mordecai because he refused to bow before him. That night God thwarted his plans and made the king sleepless. Haman became the hands through which the king honored Mordecai. The gallows that he dug were where he was hanged and his plan to annihilate the Jews backfired.

Anyone who has planned a snare against you. The Lord has promised that their devices, plans, and schemes will not work. He will catch those people, who think they are wise, in their craftiness. Their counsel and plan will backfire. They will be beneficiaries of their evil thoughts and evil plans.


Every crafty person around me is exposed. Their evil plans and plots towards me will become their portion. May the counsel of the cunning come quickly upon them. They will meet with darkness in the daytime and grope at noontime as in the night. The Lord is exposing every crafty person masquerading around me, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


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