”Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.“
Colossians 4:6 NKJV
I am one of those people who used to brag about having a bad mouth. Of course, that’s not something to be proud of but at the time, I announced it to let people know I was not to be messed with.
When I stumbled on this verse and it hit me, I couldn’t handle it. God was telling me it was not okay to tear people down with words. Suddenly I felt powerless. How will I put people in their place or defend myself? My mouth was my power but God was taking that away and I had no choice but to align. Trust me, it was a process, and I succeeded to the level I am today through confession.
Whenever someone got on my nerves and I felt that sharp tongue kicking in I would whisper, “My words are seasoned with salt and full of grace.” And when my emotions got the better part of me, the Holy Spirit would make me apologize. It wasn’t fun but I believed He was helping me to obey God’s word.
James 3 talks about how the tongue is powerful. And it can direct or redirect our lives. A lot of people carelessly respond harshly to people online without considering how their words could affect the person they are speaking to. This is not the way of the believer.
Truthfully people will get on our nerves when we step out of the house, that’s why we ought to make this confession daily and whenever we feel tempted to use our words to hurt instead of build or heal.
Put your hand over your mouth, and pray over yourself. Say, my words are filled with grace and seasoned with salt. I know how to answer people gracefully. I do not produce vulgar and corrupt communication out of my mouth. In Jesus name, Amen.