• DAY 229
  • SCRIPTURES: JOHN 4::28-30, 39

The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Then they went out of the city and came to Him. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.”

One of the fears a lot of believers face is feeling unqualified to testify of Jesus. We feel that if we aren’t perfect, if our past wasn’t flawless we have no right talking about Jesus. In fact, we believe we must be perfect in our present, without flaws or struggles. I had the same issue when God asked me to write this Out of Fear devotional. My concern was that I still had fears to walk through in my life (I mean, I’m still afraid of rats till this day), so I thought the best thing is to put this off until I had nothing to fear, no phobias, no anxiety, no temptation to worry. I was wrong, all I needed was courage.

In our text today we have a woman who had the courage to testify of Jesus even though her life was not put together. Her whole conversation with Jesus changed her. It had her convinced that she had met Christ, so she decides to take this message into her town. Even though she is a woman that has had five husbands and was still living with a man at the moment when she met Jesus. The Bible does not tell us that she dropped the water pot and went home first, changed, kicked the man out, cleaned up her life, and took some years or so to see if she is not going to have a new boyfriend. Then made sure that people were okay with her past before she went and started talking about Jesus. No, she started from the well. She left her pot right there, ran into town and started to tell people about Jesus. She converted a lot of Samaritans with her words.

Perfect Enough

Listen, you are not going to be perfect the first day you give your life to Christ. You are not going to be perfect the first day God calls you. And you are not going to be perfect on the last day you leave Earth. You are going to still have things you struggle with until the day you go to be with Jesus. But you are going to be improving every single day as you walk with Jesus. So, do not be afraid to open up your mouth and speak about Jesus. The truth is the moment you encounter Jesus your life changes. And as long as you are committed to Jesus and living the life that pleases Him, no matter what people may say or how they may feel about your salvation, it is not up to them to justify you.

And also, no matter what flaws you struggle with, you have to know that there are people that will listen to you. Your testimony will bless at least one person. God is so particular about seeking the lost one that He can send you to speak to just one person. Perfection is not a criterion to be a testifier of Jesus.

So, do not be afraid. By all means, talk about Jesus because the truth is He is King, He is God, He is Savior, He is the Redeemer of our souls. And if you have that gift of redemption, keep talking as you continue to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit to transform you. Allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. You do your own. Go today and talk to people about Jesus. And don’t be afraid to do so continually.


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