• DAY 289
  • SCRIPTURES: Judges 4:4-5; 5:7

Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time. And she would sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim. And the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.

Judges 4:4-5

Deborah is one of the women I wish we had more info on. A little backstory of her struggles or how she attained judgeship would be inspiring, and, as a bonus, will satisfy my curiosity. ‘Cos how did a woman rise to become a prominent leader in a world that had defined sexual roles? I’d like to know how her husband reacted and how society responded, there’s so much missing that could make a good TV series. However, what we do know is phenomenal enough to tell that she is a woman of courage.

Deborah was the only woman recorded as a judge and a prophetess in her day. Imagine how influential she was to have had her own tree. She could send for a mighty man like Barak and he would answer. She was a total boss lady. Judges 5:7 says “Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel.” She saw her nation struggling and realized that she could do something about it. And although no woman had been a judge, she stepped up.

Woman & Wife

This is phenomenal for any woman however, what makes her even more of a courageous woman is that she was also a wife. She was conquering the world while thinking of what she’d make for dinner. I know how hard it can be to juggle a thriving career and a home. It will need extra courage and when kids enter the mix, that’s a whole different ball game, whether you have maids or not.

It is easy to quit on your dreams as a wife, not because you want to, but because it is exhausting sometimes, and striking the balance between woman, boss lady, minister, and wife requires courage. Most times one suffers for the other. The career blossoms but there is a strain on home life or ministry flourishes and there is an absence with the kids but this woman had the courage to balance all the parts that make a woman strong.

Lean On God

I know that it can be difficult to manage your calling and also manage your home. Is isn’t any less for the unmarried to juggle the different aspects of life but we have the Holy Spirit to help and give us wisdom. God can strengthen you if you learn to lean on Him. You can ask the Lord for strength and ask the Lord for grace and I guarantee you, I know like I know my name, that He will answer you.

So how about you practice that right now and say, Holy Spirit, give me strength and grace to be a woman who is courageous enough to balance my life. Help me balance the different areas of my life that I may be struggling with. Help me to keep my hope and my confidence in you. In Jesus name, amen. 


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