Self image


  • DAY 34
  • Fear File: Israelites
  • Scripture: Numbers 13 & 14

If I could copy these two chapters and still somehow make this post short, I would. But please read it for yourself. But let me give a quick summary.

I believe we all know that the children of Israel were promised Canaan as their inheritance from God and after they left Egypt they had been in the wilderness. In our text, God asked Moses to send spies to scout the land and they do. Every tribe had representation. Now, these 12 spies return from their 40-days trip with their reports. They all agree that the land is good and meets up to God’s promise and that it is occupied by strong and mighty people. but this is all they agree on. Everything goes south when these spies divide into 2 groups. The smaller group of 2 said they can surely claim the land irrespective of the might of the men in it. But the larger group of 10 says that they cannot defeat their enemies. 

Same Experience Different Outcomes

What I find interesting is how two groups of people can go through the same situation and have two different outcomes because of their self-perspective (self-image). Where one sees hope the other sees defeat. We all have a way we see ourselves. And chances are it is incorrect – either it is overrated or understated but rarely is it accurate. This is because we often take our self-image from external sources or from brokenness within. Some of us look to society. We define our “beautiful,” our “wealthy,” our “fulfillment” and our “happy” by the standards of society and we spend millions under the knife trying to fix what we think is wrong with us, in a pursuit of happiness that our pockets cannot afford, all because we cannot feel fulfilled otherwise.

Recently I was having a conversation with a friend, we were trying to figure out when the world decided that pimples meant ugly. And I am not saying this because I have them. I thought pimples were a natural skin condition that required optional treatment. When did we decide that it was taboo? And I probably skipped the memo on when the absence of a flat tummy, hard rock abs, and bleached skin was a criminal offense. I say this because most of our fear comes from our appearance, especially for women. But a little birdie told me that this disease has spread to men too. I don’t even want to go into how money is affecting our self-image.

We let ourselves be defined by what people think of us. And the funny thing is people make up their opinions about us and expect us to embrace them as truth. But my question is “who send you message?” you decided what you wanted to, by an incident or two in the seasons I wasn’t my best and now I should spend my life trying to prove you wrong? I’m not endorsing silly behaviour and nonchalance, I am only saying, don’t define yourself through the lens of others, society, or your possession. All these will fail you.

How do you see yourself?

What informs your self-image? This is a very important place to start if you intend to make an impact in the world, no matter how small your world may be. If you have a poor self-image, chances are, you will live a fear-driven life with no accomplishment. You will always say “I cannot” when God clearly says you can and your reasons will look like the source of your self-image. “I am not beautiful enough, I don’t have the money, people won’t believe me, I don’t have what it takes.” How sad.

As we read in our text the smaller group of two took their confidence from the promises of God concerning them and they said they can. But the others took theirs from their circumstance and they said they cannot. 

Beloved, God is your mirror, stop looking at anything and look in His word to find your self-image.


Catch up on yesterday’s post here

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