- DAY 238
And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.” So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out.
2 KINGS 4:4-5
In this era when social media is permeating every aspect of our lives, it is difficult to identify where the line should be between public and private. It’s like people are anxious when their life is not in public view. And it can be difficult to understand that there are some things that are not supposed to be done in the view of people and before witnesses. There are some things that are going to have to be private some workings and dealings of God with you are personal and if we don’t have the wisdom to know which is which, we will destroy the things that God is trying to work in our lives.
In our text today, this widow who borrowed vessels was asked to shut the door behind her while pouring the oil. The only person allowed was her son. This miracle was not for the eyes of the public. I know that sometimes keeping things private is tough, maybe not for introverts but for people like me who love to share, it’s tough. Most people want to share successes to brag but others just want redemption. They failed publicly and now they want to redeem their image and let everyone know that things are different now. Yet others just love to share, no deep meaning it’s just how they are.
However, we need to be comfortable with God saying “Go behind closed doors.” Some things are classified and that’s okay. Limiting access to certain areas of your life is wise but this also applies to sharing other things like what He is teaching us at the moment and plans we haven’t birthed. There are seasons God asked me to be private and if I’m being honest I was anxious. But later I understood why that was necessary.
Somehow I believe that public eyes pollutes things sometimes. You put things out and it’s open for anyone to criticize comment and give their opinion. God knows what He’s doing. He knows what’s best for you and if out of love He is says go go private, do so. He’s wiser than all of us put together. Wouldn’t it be wise to obey?
When it comes to your life, always ask God is this something I should do in the view of witnesses or is this something that should be private? God is direct, when it comes to specific questions, He gives you specific directions that can help you make the accurate and right decision for yourself and for your life.
So how about you practice this right now and ask God to give you the courage to obey His instructions and to be content with living life privately?