• DAY 260

And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.”

2 kings 17:1

Whenever I read this story, I wonder how a man can say “There will be no rain unless I say so” and it will happen. What gives them the audacity to speak and things pause and change and obey? What makes their word so powerful that it can affect the destiny of a nation? My curiosity was triggered because there were I had spoken over my family and it had not happened and over time I had become less courageous to speak boldly about stuff.

But here, Elijah, says something and it becomes so, how? James 5:17-18 tells us “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” What made

Just A Man

James said he was a normal man. Yes, he was a prophet but being a man he had the same characteristics, flaws and shortcomings that we have. He pooped, ate, slept, probably had sick days. In the following chapters we discover that he was afraid and depressed like we get sometimes. This means that we can have the same result he had; we can decreee a thing and it will come to pass too, if we believe. Elijah didn’t doubt the words he spoke, he had faith God will honor it even though he was a mere mortal.

A Man of Prayer

Prayer is the power that births manifestation. It is the fuel that ignites the words that proceeds out of your mouth. Elijah’s words were birthed in prayer. However, we must not forget that the contents of his prayer was the word of God from Deuteronomy 28:23-24. God had warned the Israelites that drought, famine and other disasters awaits them if they rebelled against Him. As a prophet over the nation, he had to authority to decree God’s word over it and it will stand. Just like you have the authority to decree God’s word over your life and it will stand. But to speak the word you have to know the word.

Jesus said that if His words abide in us we shall ask anything and it shall be done. The way to abide in the word is to study and meditate on it continually. We cannot study today and walk away tomorrow. Consistency is what makes the word rest in us.


Elijah lived in obedience to God. He spoke those words on God’s instruction. When God sent him somewhere he went, he did all he did as one who stands before God. A surrendered life is full of answered prayers. If you are a person of faith and your life is lived to the glory of God, the words that you speak will have power. It will have the ability to bring change to your environment but sometimes we are too afraid to speak because we doubt that God will back the word, will it come to pass if we say it? we wonder.

We forget that God backs His word 100% of the time. If it is the word of God, it already has power and once your life is in alignment with the will and the plans of God, the word of God that comes out of your mouth will have power. God will back His word from your mouth. Beloved, do not be afraid speak over your life, your nation, your children etc. At your word, at God’s word in your mouth, things can change.


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