• Day 72
  • Fear File: You
  • Scripture Psalm 91:11

For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

Psalm 91:11-12

Today we continue our study of Psalm 91. One thing to remember is that although we are studying this scripture in bits, every verse is connected. so if you missed any day, catch up right here.


The Bible calls them ministering spirits who are sent out by God to minister to us that are heirs of salvation (Hebrews 11:14). Some of us have erroneously translated this to mean that angels are at our beck and call to do OUR bidding, but I am yet to find proof of that. What I do know is that God is the one that sends angels to us to do what HE has said they should do. And we see that again in this scripture; God gives HIS angels charge over YOU.

Angels are sent to fulfill the mandate of God. When God declared judgment over Isreal because David took a census he shouldn’t have, it was an angel that was sent to fulfill the mandate. Then there was the time that Daniel prayed and fasted and it was an angel that was sent with the answers. Not to mention the angelic visits to Mary, Gideon, Abraham, Lot, etc. God also has angels over cities, churches, etc. So there are angels amongst us even now. There are angels that have charge over you as we speak; and that charge is to keep you and bear you.

To Keep You

The responsibility of God’s angel is to keep you in all of your ways. You see, you still have to live on earth even as a dweller of the Secret Place and so the angel of God is sent to keep you as you work in that hostile environment with unfriendly colleagues. They watch over you as you try to raise your boys as a single parent. You are kept while you try to start yet another business; and they keep you while you try to stay true to God in a depraved world. However, they don’t just watch over you when you struggle; they also watch over you as you and your husband enjoy a happy home. They watch over you as you open yet another branch of your small business. Because the mandate of God is to keep in ALL of your ways- ALL!!!

This is why you ought to acknowledge God in all of your ways because He is keeping you. He has you steady under watch. this should also make your heart at peace. Because you know that God is aware of everything that goes on in your day.

To Bear You Up

Have you ever hit your little toe against anything before? the pain has a way of shutting down the brain for seconds. it almost feels as though a shock wave instantly went through your body. Now imagine that just before your feet hit, someone removed the chair, or removed you from harm’s way. I assume you’d be grateful. That’s what the angel is assigned to do in your life. To bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone.

A stone speaks of anything in your way that is designed to trip you up; and there is always a stone on every path in a journey, even the journey of life. some of the stones are naturally occurring because of the kind of road you are on but other stones are put there by the enemy to trip you up and cause you to stumble. In any case, the angel sees this stone and he lifts you above it. You will not dash your foot against it. God is sparing you the pain.

Beloved God is invested in your everyday life experiences, that’s why He charges an angel over you. He is watching over His word concerning you and He is watching you too. As you through your day, remember that His presence is with you and so is His angel. Rest in that confidence.

Say This

God is watching over me and I will not be afraid.


Hey Sis, Don’t forget Monday Night bible study with me and my tribe on Telegram. Join us by 9 pm. Click here to join the group

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