

  • DAY 50
  • Fear File: Gideon 
  • Scripture: Judges 7:20

Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers—they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing—and they cried, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!”


There are four major things that are evident in any partnership. The first is that it takes at least two parties. Secondly, it is based on an agreement. Thirdly, it demands responsibility from both parties. and lastly, it is mutually beneficial. If any of these are lacking it becomes a one-man business. And I’m guessing that you don’t want to run your life solo.


In our text today, Gideon is literally at the war front, he was gingered up and battle-ready. It was the fight of his life and He knew that God had his back. He was so confident that he asked everyone to declare, “the sword of the Lord and of Gideon.” Do you know how confident one must be to put their name beside the Lord’s? Gideon has finally overcome all the struggles he had with fear and now he saw God and himself as partners. He understood that for him to win, he had to come into alignment with God. He had to accept the invitation he received when the Angel called him mighty.

Beloved, what invitation did you receive? That night when you lay in despair after crying your eyes out, what did God say? When you rejoiced and jumped for joy in worship to him in church, what did He say? Did he ask you to fight for the destiny of your children? Did he ask you to stand still? Or did He tell you to surrender? Whatever He said to do, He is not telling you to do it alone. He is inviting you to be his partner and acceptance is the best option.


But acceptance is only half the requirements for partnership; the next is agreement. You have to accept and agree.  These are two different concepts that we often mistake as the same. I can accept that God is calling me but not agree with what He’s calling me to do or the way He’s asking me to do it. I remember when He asked me to go into full-time ministry. I accepted that this was His plan for my life but I had a hard time agreeing with where He wanted me to start. It took me two years to agree. The whole two years, I was working in the church, I was doing what I ought to because I had accepted His calling but I was not in partnership with Him until I agreed to His terms.

If God calls you and you say, “yes sir, but…” that “but” is a lack of agreement. And until an agreement is reached the partnership has not begun.

Read The Fine Print

Even in business, people sit around a table to discuss terms and conditions. They don’t just accept without reading and negotiating the fine print. They accepted to go into partnership but the terms are still being negotiated. Until both parties agree to the terms, they cannot work together. The Bible says, can two walk together except they be AGREED, not except they be in acceptance (Amos 3:3). Lack of agreement breaks lots of marriages. After the proposal was accepted they didn’t check that their expectations were in agreement. Marriage started and both parties are running on different perspectives, and in no time they start to run in different directions. This is where most of us miss it. 

Your partnership with God has terms. And if you read the fine print, the first thing you find is surrender, that is your agreement. For this partnership to work, you have to do His WILL His WAY. That’s the non-negotiable term. You cannot agree to disagree on this matter. You have to know what you are signing up for. It is His way or the highway (and that’s where you end up if you go your way). 

In It Together

In a partnership, everyone brings something to the table. Gideon showed up and God showed up. Both of them played a role in that victory. Gideon’s part was less because that’s how it is in this partnership. The responsibilities fall more on one party -The Lord. God does all the heavy lifting. He calls you, changes you, anoints you, empowers you, sends you, defends you on the assignment, fights for you, and all you do is simply surrender (agree). I like this partnership. He makes all the investments, absolves all the risk and somehow puts my name beside His when the credits start. He takes all the glory because He deserves it. But He gives you all the recognition on earth.

God also loves this partnership. He wants the earth to see His Glory but He wants to do it through you. It’s almost like you are the face people see, but He is the one doing the work. That’s why the agreement is important. Because pride is the greatest temptation of this partnership and the moment you begin to feel like God is working for you or He’s your tool, you breach the contract and nullify the agreement. Suddenly you find yourself speeding on the highway.

Beloved God wants you to know that partnership slots are still open and He is calling you even now. I pray that you will not only accept but agree. And he will show forth His glory through you.

In Jesus’ name. Amen


Watch today’s video here

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  1. This devotion has touched me and the inspiration I’ve got from it since two days ago has drawn me more closer to studying God’s word, thank you so much.I have learnt that God does not see me the way I see myself,before God can use a man He will first make himself known to the man,change the man from the way he sees or feel about himself to what Him(God) sees and feel about him. he will distroye the siege that may have been my stumbling block,the Baal in Gideon house may have been the reasoning Gideon has been nothing till it was distroyed,now today reading Gideon have started seeing himself the way God saw him the more we get deep with God the more he takes us deeper with him I pray that this devotion will open my eye to know what God want me to do and he me to do it I don’t want to die empty handed,

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