• DAY 306

“Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.”

After singing and dancing in a hopeless situation. The next thing the barren should do is make room for a baby; create a space to accommodate the fruitfulness you just danced for. Begin to act like you are expecting, act like the miracle you are believing for; take action. Go price that land, go get baby clothes, start researching wedding venues, get ready for what you have received to become your reality.

Do you know why this works? Because faith calls the things that be not as though they are. It is a principle of the word. If you pray, believe you have received and then, you shall have.

Get Ready

However, don’t forget that this praise and singing happened for a case that was already written off. Don’t forget that dancing didn;t make sense as a strategy, but you sang and danced. I know you might feel like dancing was private and cheap but this costs money and you have more to lose. What if you actually price the land and don’t come up with the money? what if they sell it? What if you buy the baby clothes and see your period or worse have a miscarriage? What if?

These are so painful to experience but consider this, what if it works just as God said? I won’t lie that there are people do this and don’t get their miracle when they hoped, but i can guarantee you that they got it when it was time. Start preparing for your miracle. Expand your mind and position yourself because it’s coming.

May the Lord give you the courage to begin to do the things you’re supposed to do and act like your miracle even before you see it. In Jesus Name


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