Four years ago, I was studying and I discovered that the phrase “Do not fear” was becoming a recurring theme in the bible. So I did a quick google search and saw that it is actually mentioned about 365 times in the Bible. Seemed like God was consistent in this command and he repeated it in various ways. 

During that period, the Holy Spirit was teaching me about fear. I was amazed to discover that fear has various expressions but it is still the same source. As such, every response that negatively affects our ability to do what God has called us to do, go where God has sent us to go, or to follow God completely,  is a response from the place of fear. In essence, if you are not walking by faith, you are responding in fear.

As humans, we try to find logical explanations for things, so instead of fear, we say doubt, anxiety, panic, phobia, etc.  All these words help us categorize different expressions of this same thing. In an attempt to help our minds comprehend the concept. But the truth is, be it FOMO, panic or shame, their origin and sustenance is fear. 


As I went deeper into the study, God began to show me how bible characters exhibited fear, faith and courage. He taught me to see fear for what it really was, a hindrance. And to identify it, no matter what disguise it has on.  

This site, the book, the devotional, the prayer groups, the live events and every other facet of this assignment started because God wanted YOU to overcome your fears and live a life pleasing to him – a life of faith.


From a psychological point of view, fear is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the awareness or perception of danger, real or imagined. This feeling or emotion can sometimes appear as anxiety (apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill), panic (a sudden overpowering fright) or doubt, but the root of it is fear. 

Fear can be a natural human response or reaction, what this means is that as long as you have emotions, as long as you’re on this earth, you’re going to feel afraid and unsure about things, but because you feel fear, doesn’t mean that you should be afraid. If you know anything about feelings/emotions, you’d know not to trust them or let them dictate to you or define you. 

In the hall of faith of Hebrews 11 we find mere men who had great faith, these men are also found in our fear files for having dealt with an expression of fear. How did they overcome their fear? By going against what they felt and believing what HE said. So you are in good company.


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Tim 1:7

I find it most interesting that while we call fear a feeling, God calls it a spirit. We call it natural but he says it’s spiritual. We say it’s the way we are wired but He says, it’s not from Him. What are we missing?

Throughout the bible we have people face danger and not feel afraid? Weren’t they also human? What was David, Samson, Daniel and his friends, Queen Esther, The Apostles, aware of that we are missing? It’s the reality that God has not given you the spirit of fear, fear does not come from him.

Fear came when Adam fell, but faith and courage was restored with Jesus. We have God in us now, we no longer have to be afraid.

Beloved you don’t have to accept what God hasn’t given you. You don’t have to live in fear and cower in timidity. The lion is in you.

God is calling you to come OUT OF FEAR and live in the fullness of all that he has called you to be.

For most of us coming out of fear will be a journey taken one day at a time. We are going to have to work out our own faith.  It will require a daily commitment to defy your feelings over and over again, trusting God, believing His word and seeking His face along the way; no matter how the road gets. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. The Lord is with and in you. You also have the out of fear community on this journey with you.




‘Out of Fear’ exists as A 365 Days Devotional divided into 12 Volumes, a journal, a website, an online community of people committed to overcoming their fear through the help of the Holy Spirit and a book (available for download from August 2023).

The devotional are posted daily on this site for reading. To watch or join our live events, visit our social media platforms.

The devotional is written in days and not dates. You don’t need the start of a new month or a new month to overcome your fears. You just need to start on a day. You’d also find that the texts don’t follow any particular format. For instance, it doesn’t follow the way the bible is arranged or the way the characters or books are written. It only follows the way the Lord inspired them. So do not be alarmed if you read of Peter before you read of Abram. 

As you read, you will find what we call fear files or faith files. They are the focus character of the text for that day. These are biblical or present day people like you and I, who also had to deal with fearful seasons and people who also walked by faith. We will pull up their files to see what the Lord will teach us from their lives.

My prayer is that you truly live in the fullness of all that God has called you into.