• DAY 33
  • Fear File: The Israelites
  • Scripture: Exodus 13:17-18

Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.” 18So God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea. And the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt.

EXODUS 13:17-18

The more we study fear, the more I realize how dangerous being fearful can be. Today we read that the Lord chose a longer route for the Israelites because of their fear. Did you miss that because the word fear wasn’t in the text? Read again. What could make someone return to bondage at the sight of war? Fear.

I know it is hard for millennials in this part of the world to imagine the sight of war; the terror it brings and the devastation it leaves in its wake.  Most of us only heard of Russia and Ukraine, we never actually witnessed it, yet we were concerned. How much more if it is before us? I haven’t witnessed one either. But I have elders who shared experiences and let’s just say it’s not fun.

Fighting is never fun. Opposition is never fun. It is terrifying. And more so for a tired troop. When most of us encounter a breakthrough, our first desire is to rest. That promotion took a lot from us, that new house cost us a lot, the relocation dried the account, and we need a moment to recuperate and relax. Any other challenge will cause us to be afraid and give up. Now imagine how it must have been for a nation enslaved for 400 years. Most of them only knew slavery, they had never lived in a time of freedom. So they did not have a vision of freedom. And quitting will be easy.

We know this because we read in the next chapter that when they saw the Egyptians coming, they became afraid. And they longed for the good old Egypt of their slavery. Because bondage was better than the opposition. Remind me again, was this not the reason God was leading them this way?

Check Again

Could it be that you got the job but not the desired position because the opposition will scare you? Is it possible that you have all it takes to be a wife but God is taking His time because the calling on his life will scare you? Perhaps the business is not making many sales because the growth will overwhelm you. So, God is taking you the long way around because you need to come out of fear. He is not the kind to expose you to a war you are not equipped to win.

Let this serve as an awakening that helps you realize that while you cry out to God for a miracle you should also pray for the courage to withstand whatever comes with or after that. May this also be to you an encouragement that it might be taking longer because God is preparing your heart, He is actually protecting you.

You see the wilderness might be tough but it is a place of preparation. God teaches you to depend on Him every step of the way. You experience His power so that when you face opposition, you will not be afraid. And He miraculously sustains you with little miracles designed to build your faith and courage for the next phase.

So you might have narrowly paid your rent or fees. You couldn’t eat what you wanted when you wanted but if you look closely God came through so that you can have a miracle just like manna or water from a rock during drought. God redirects you but He will never leave you. He is right there with you. 

Do not be afraid.


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  1. Thanks Cyndy. this is really eye-opening.
    I was really dealing with a matter just this evening with someone about a business start-up that has not really started yielding results yet.
    God has to truly build you and mold you to be able to handle certain success when it comes.
    Fear is truly a killer. It can make you return to where you left.

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