• DAY 60
  • Fear File: You
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:1

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High

Psalm 91:1a

When I was a child I used to play Boju Boju (what you call hide and go seek). The game is pretty simple: somebody hides in a very private place that only they know about and then another person goes to seek them. The goal of the hider is to never be found by the seeker and the goal of the seeker is to find someone so they could switch places cos seeking is tough. Back then, I had a good hiding place behind a curtain. You could look there and not find me until I reveal myself. That curtain was my secret hiding place and it hid me well.

That’s what a secret place should be. It should hide you from the things of life that are coming to seek you out. And can I tell you that there are many things seeking for you? Seeking to steal your joy, destabilize your faith, tamper with your peace of mind, and destroy your hope. Friends, these things seek hard, and they don’t quit, so you need to decide how and where you hide.

A Safe Place

This psalmist, which is believed to be Moses, hid in the secret place of the Most High. The secret place is where the presence of God resides. In his day, this was a physical place. God resided between the cherubims on top of the ark in the Most Holy place (Holy of Holies). That place was so secret, only a few people had access and the process to gain access was no child’s game. You could even die, trying to hide. It was so safe that no one could just walk in there searching for you and come out alive. 

I love that kind of place. I could think of a couple of things I would want to hide in there and I would probably run there more often than I’d like to admit. Mostly because “world people” will be coming after me because of my sharp mouth. The only challenge will be how fast I can get there because the tabernacle has a fixed location. Imagine it was in Abuja and I caused trouble in Lagos, how fast can I get there before I’m caught? I’ll be in serious wahala! actually, WAHALURRRR!! 

But thank God for the sacrifice of Christ that tore the veil and gave us access to the secret place. Now we have the presence of God dwelling within us. The GPS points to my heart. And when I get on my knees, it says, “you’ve arrived at your destination.” I don’t have to run far, just a whisper is enough to teleport me. As effective as this is, this is not God’s design. His plan is not that you remember His secret place only when your fears are knocking. His plan is that you are already positioned there way ahead of your seekers. That’s why He is inviting you to dwell.


A dwelling place is an address. A place anybody can find you. It’s your house. You have personal effects there. You leave from there in the morning and can’t wait to return there. That’s where you bathe, sleep, relax and rest. A dwelling place is not a hotel or short-let, it’s your home. That’s how the presence of God should be for you. It should be your home. And that should be easy because this home is mobile. You carry it with you wherever you go because it is in you. You just have to come into the awareness of it. 

Dwelling is intentional, it is born out of fellowship and intimacy. You cannot ignore the place of prayer and claim to dwell. And you cannot disobey the leadings of the spirit and claim to dwell. Make a decision today that you will show up to fellowship. It’s not as difficult as you think. You see it is called a secret not because you can’t find it but just like my hiding curtain, whatever tries to seek you can’t find it and can’t find you. It is secret to visitors but not to you.

Take Courage

So if you are a dweller, let this be an announcement to you that you are so far hidden that fear, depression, anxiety, worry, threats, pain, and destruction can’t get to you. Don’t get me wrong, they will try hard to find you. Sometimes it might come close but hey, it cannot destroy you. You might shed a few tears but you are so far hidden that they cannot destroy you. You are protected

For in the time of trouble, He shall hide you in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide you; He shall set you high upon a rock. In the name of Jesus


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