- DAY 267
And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had come, saying, “Israel shall be your name.” Then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD; and he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seahs of seed.
I KINGS 18:31-32
Today we continue our study on the process we often miss that Elijah observed carefully on mount carmel. We talked about the timing and the altar. If you missed it, take a moment to do a quick recap and come right back, so you can follow along.
As a believer, there are not many things I treasure more than my history with God. The recorded experiences I have had with Him over the years serve as memorials and I love how reading miracles, great and small, makes me teary and grateful. I have records of myomectomy, emotional breakdowns, loss of a loved one, threatened homelessness, weird cravings satisfied, scriptures, dates, miraculous provision, healing, deliverance from bitterness, healing from abuse and silly prayer requests that God answered to the letter. The Lord and I have truly had a wild ride. I treasure every pain, scar, tear and joy that built this journey.
Easily Forgotten
Yet, in throws of another wild storm of life, these memories are quickly suppressed by an avalanche of anxious thoughts. The Holy Spirit has to remind me to look at our journey in order to find the faith to hope and wait on the Lord. I believe that this is what Elijah did for the people when he picked up twelve stones to rebuild the altar of God that was in ruins while Israel worship baal.
In the process of living, these people had forgotten their God. They couldn’t recall the stories of their fathers as recorded in the laws of Moses. They probably felt that they were living in a different era and the words of Moses doesn’t fit their reality. So they compromised a little and one compromise birthed full rebellion. But Elijah was here to return them to their God, so he had to remind them.
The twelve stones signified their journey with God. There were a representation of every tribe with whom God made an everlasting covenant. These stones said, “You are still the people God chose and your God still chooses you.” It wasn’t hard for this action to thug at their heart strings because 12 stones was always symbolic to them. In Joshua 4 and Exodus 28 12 stones were used as a memorial both for them and God and every stone carried their name.
For God and Israel
So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment over his heart, when he goes into the holy place, as a memorial before the LORD continually. EXODUS 28:29 that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:6-7
Yes, twelve stones served as a reminder to both God and Israel. Elijah was saying, “Yahweh, these are your people, don’t let their rebellion make you forsake them. And Isreal, you are God’s people, if you will remember and repent, He will forgive completely.” What a beautiful display of reconciliation and love.
Beloved, courage and faith seem to have a relationship with memory. When we so easily forget out journey with Jesus we become targets for fear, But imagine that you engraved those memories on a page like the names of isreal was on those stones? How much more confidence will you have in God?
Take a moment to remind yourself today of what things God has done for you and worship Him for it this morning.
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