A Little Thirsty

‘Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”’

John 4:13-15

So it’s noon and the Samaritan woman just arrived by the well. She left her house to go to Jacob’s well to draw water and there she met this strange man, a jew, asking her to give him a drink of water. He wants water, she wants water, and there is a well there. 

This woman needed more water than just the one from the well. All her life she has been living in thirst and needed a refreshing drink. She has had five husbands and is living with her boyfriend, clearly, she was thirsty for something.

In Need of a Drink

A psychological analysis might reveal some daddy issues, childhood trauma, or insecurities. Maybe she was thirsty for the love of a man or to be loved and accepted in general and she kept searching for a drink in the arms of the wrong men. But what she doesn’t know is that the strange man asking her for water is the water she needs. That strange man was Jesus.

Although she goes on to question his intention (as a Jew speaking to Samaritan) and unpreparedness (he had nothing to draw with and He was by the well) as well as argue about where to worship, she doesn’t hesitate to ask Jesus for the water He was offering. A water that never runs dry? She was too thirsty to pass that up even though she didn’t fully understand what Jesus was offering.

But when she realized that Jesus knew who she was, what she had done, and all she had been through, she had hope for satisfaction. Finally, a man who gets her, who knows her, who she can talk to, who is focused on meeting her needs without judging her. What she found in Jesus that day, by the well, she hadn’t found in the six men she had been with.

Here Comes Water

She was thirsty for acceptance and love and Jesus gave her that instantly. This drink was so good she left her pot, ran back into the village, and called the entire town to come drink too.

I don’t know what area of your life that you are thirsty. It could be that, like this woman, you are thirsty for love, acceptance, recognition, affection, wholeness, companionship, or healing from trauma and brokenness. Jesus is still giving drinks. He is water, He is the cup that never runs dry, He is a well that never clogs up, and an everlasting spring. In Him, water is abundant and you will be filled until you overflow. 

He knows that you will need water so he made provision for it by putting His spirit to supply rivers of living water in you such that you are not only filled but you overflow. His presence unlocks the waters within, so abide there because you cannot survive without water.


Lord, I come to you today thirsty, cause an eruption of the waters that you have put on the inside of me, that i might be filled. Thank you for refreshing my streams again and satisfying my thirst like never before. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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