• DAY 275
  • SCRIPTURES: I KINGS 19:13-24

So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”

Yesterday we talked about how fear led Elijah to depression if you missed that, click here to catch up.

Another thing fear does is affect your perspective. A fearful person has a flawed perspective because the enemy is lying to his mind. He is a master at weaving the perfect lies and telling them to anyone who would listen. He did it to Eve and he is still doing it today.

That’s A Lie

He probably spoke to Elijah saying, “Look at you, you are the only good person, the only one that serves God. Everybody walked away, not you, you stayed, so why should you be going through all this? How can a man who should be considered the best person and rewarded be running for his life? why would God even allow anyone to threaten you? This is so unfair.” Elijah bought into these lies and started to think those thoughts until he repeated them, “I am the only prophet.”

Why is this a flawed perspective? Elijah knew that God had at least 100 other prophets preserved by God through Obadiah. He was told of these hidden prophets who were fed bread and water and kept in caves just some days ago. So he knew that even if there were no prophets, at least there were 100. Yet, he said, “I am the only prophet, there is no prophet left.” The way he saw himself and that situation changed because his mind was invaded by deceptive words that now formed his flawed thoughts.

God responded, “I still have prophets you know not of.” Which means that the statement Elijah made was a lie.

An Enemy Of State

Beloved, the enemy is after your mind. The only thing he does is steal, kill, and destroy. As a person of faith, you have to treat fear like an enemy of state. it is a terrorist that is after the state of your faith. You can’t let it pollute your mind and your perspective. Your mind is where God puts thoughts and dreams. It is supposed to be the place where you flesh out the vision Heaven implanted in your spirit. Where the thoughts of God find imaginative expression. The thoughts in your mind are so powerful that it affects your whole life. So if your perspective or your thoughts can be changed by the lies of the enemy. Imagine how limited your life will be. Don’t give in to the lies of the enemy.

And this is why you should stay in The word Because if you continue to expose yourself to the truth. It will continue to disband and weaken all the lies of the enemy. Now would be a good time to cast that fear far off. and send it to the abyss where it belongs. So that your mind can see things for what they are.

I pray for you that you will only hear and obey the voice of God. That every lying voice that you are hearing right now is silenced. And you hear the voice of God. In Jesus’ name.


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