• DAY 201

“Now Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and he said, “Whatever they build, if even a fox goes up on it, he will break down their stone wall.” Hear, O our God, for we are despised; turn their reproach on their own heads, and give them as plunder to a land of captivity! Do not cover their iniquity, and do not let their sin be blotted out from before You; for they have provoked You to anger before the builders.”

‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Yesterday we talked about how we may face mockery at different levels of our journey with God and different stages on the assignment that God has given to us. And today we take a look at the prayers Nehemiah prayed when he faced opposition and mockery.

Sometimes, it’s easy for you to ignore some challenges and respond with just words before you begin the journey. Because you are full of strength, momentum, excitement, enthusiasm, and optimism. So the mockery might not get to you that much. But when you have put in resources, time, effort, money, energy, weeks, and months into the thing that you’re doing, and things begin to come at you, it’s not always as easy to take it up with the same manner or the same strategy that you did in the beginning. Because now, there’s something to lose. Before the foundations were laid there wasn’t much to lose.

It’s easier to walk away before you start, but after you have paid 2 million naira shop rent and invested in goods, after you have gotten the visa and relocated, after you have announced that event, it’s not as easy. And the mockery is now personal and more intense. This is the time to take the position of warfare and begin to pray about that situation intentionally. And we read how Nehemiah did that. 

Present The Matter

Hear, O God, for we are being despised.

Specificity in prayer cannot be overemphasized. You have to state the problem. Make your case accurately because this is warfare. You are in a fight for your life and destiny. No time for uncertainty. And if you do not know clearly what the matter is, the Holy Spirit is your helper. Nehemiah presented the issue to the Lord. This is what these people are saying, they’re despising us, they’re speaking against us. That paper I made you write yesterday, present it to God in prayers.

Make Your Request

turn their reproach on their own heads, and give them as plunder to a land of captivity! Do not cover their iniquity, and do not let their sin be blotted out from before You;

What do you want? What is your request? The bible says be anxious for nothing but to make your request known. Nehemiah’s request was for them to reap what they are sowing. He asked that the matter be reversed and the sender become the recipient of his plot. What is your own request? Make sure it is in alignment with God’s word before you ask. John 15 says that whatsoever you ask you will get if the word of God is in you. If the word is not the foundation of prayer it will not be answered.

Be On The Lord’s Side

for they have provoked You to anger before the builders.

I have learned that if you are on the Lord’s side, God will defend it. You cannot take up warfare if you and God are not on the same page. Was God involved in that thing you are contending for or you sent yourself and now you are in trouble? What is God’s promise concerning that thing? What is your relationship with God like? Why should you win this battle? If God sent you, His reputation too is at stake. Moses, David, Jesus, the disciples, and other men of faith in the bible prayed this way. Why? because it is about the will of God. “Thy kingdom come” means it is all about God. Nehemiah said, God, it is You they abused and mocked not me. This was your work, so defend yourself.

If you aren’t sure what side you are on, or you started that journey for selfish interest or without God’s approval, start with pleading for mercy, and then God will direct you on what next to do. Don’t let the enemy deceive you that because you didn’t start with God you can’t win that’s a lie. A parent will defend his child outside first and discipline the child at home. He has no right to put his mouth in family matters. Your mess up is between you and you and Daddy

Get Angry

Beloved, I called the prayer of Nehemiah dangerous because his request was fire for fire. He didn’t want them to go scot-free. He was angry at their audacity and this time he wasn’t about to let it slide. Since they want war, he is giving them war. Sometimes you have to be angry enough to pray “die by fire.” Because some people actually need to die. Since they won’t rest, they need to rest in peace. You need to be provoked and tired enough to say I am not staying up at night about this matter again. It is ending tonight. 

So go ahead now and pray that dangerous prayer. But first, get the word as your backing


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