• DAY 95
  • Fear File: John The Baptist
  • Scripture: Matthew 11:2-3

“When John was in prison, he heard about the things that were happening—things the Messiah would do. So he sent some of his followers to Jesus. They asked him, “Are you the one we have been expecting, or should we wait for someone else?””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭ERV‬‬

In our text, we see that John’s demeanor towards Jesus had changed. So much so that he  sent his disciples to ask Jesus a very interesting question. And I wondered, at what point did he change from being the person who understood that Jesus was the Messiah? I mean, he was the one who baptized Him, he even saw the Holy Spirit descend like a dove, so what changed? Why is he now questioning if Jesus is actually the Messiah?

Now, we might be thinking that John shouldn’t have asked Jesus that. But put yourself in his shoes for a moment and let’s bring it down to our day. 

Here Comes Offense

So paint a picture with me, let’s say you are a content creator with like thousands of subscribers. Then you decide to endorse a newbie and give them platform and even ask your followers to go to them. Then something and your page gets banned and this person you helped refuses to post on their page to help you get your followers back. Imagine how you are going to feel? Would you feel immediately happy or accomplished that you helped somebody to get to where they are and they don’t show up for you even though you “made” them.

Obviously this is not the exact case with Jesus and John. But the feelings are same. He was in prison, locked up by Herod and Jesus whom he baptized, announced, supported, even submitted to, was ‘doing nothing’ about it. So, John was offended, and his feelings were hurt.

Courageous But Offended

Listen, even a courageous or faith-full person can become offended especially when their expectations are misdirected. It can happen to anybody, even the strongest of us. So many people have abandoned their Faith because they were offended in churches.

Offense is a very powerful feeling, you should not underestimate it. The Bible says that you should not allow any root of bitterness or offense to stay in your heart. Hebrews 12:15

“See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;” 

Some theologians believe that John was beheaded because he was offended at Jesus. But we do not know that for sure? What we do know is that at this point in his life, he was offended. 

He expected that Jesus would come and save him or, at least, visit him in prison.


How many expectations are you carrying for the people that you helped in the past? Did you help them expecting a reward from them? Are you expecting that the people that you were there for, will be the ones to be there for you in your time? Or is your focus and help on God? Because if you’re doing something for somebody expecting that you’re going to get something in return. Then you have everything mixed up. You’re supposed to do everything that you do as unto the Lord. 

Colosians 3:23 “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” 

Unto The Lord

Courageous people know that every single thing that they do for people is done as unto the Lord. And so, they have their focus and their hearts fixed upon God. They are not expecting anything from any person. Yet this is not as easy as it sounds.

One thing I’ve learned is that you can help someone and they will never look your way again. That doesn’t mean that you should get offended or give room for bitterness. Festered offense can cause you to doubt God and the instructions he gave you. 

Let It Go

So beloved, don’t allow people to cause you to get into offense. Don’t think that anybody is ungrateful or that they are not doing what you expect them to do. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for disappointment, like John did. 

So today, if you’re holding any offense against anybody, whether it’s because they didn’t come to help you or you’re just offended by something they had done to you, please pray with me.


God, I forgive and release this person (ad name) that I am holding on my heart because I believe they betrayed me. I repent of putting my focus on them and expecting a reward from them for an assignment YOU used me to accomplish in their lives. I let go of such perceptions and I put my expectations where it belongs -fixed on you. And I pray that you heal my heart and you help me each day to keep my heart stayed on you. Amen.


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One Comment

  1. Beautiful masterpiece. Please pray for me I’m always having perception that people are not trustworthy and jealous.

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