• DAY 76
  • Fear File: YOU 
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:15

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him”

Yesterday we studied the first part of this verse “he shall call upon me and I will answer him” So if you missed it, click here to catch up. 

Need A Partner?

Everybody has that one friend or sibling that always has their back, even in a fight. Someone that will come to war with them, guns blazing, no questions asked. I once saw a meme about two actors one said “I want you to come with me, we’re going to hurt somebody” and the other actor responded “What car are we taking” and the caption was “Tag someone who you know will fight with you” and I saw in the comment section that people were tagging their friends, and their family members.

Everybody needs a partner in life. I know that many people quote Genesis 2:18 when they’re trying to talk about marriage, but it is beyond that, it is not good for man to be alone, especially in trouble. The reason most people pursue relationships is because of the innate need for partnership that God placed inside us. Everybody wants somebody that understands what it is that they are going through. Nobody wants to go through challenges alone, we want to know that somebody is there to take care of us, to be by our side, to be for and with us. Being alone is not in our nature and there is nothing wrong with that. 

"I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him”

For A Purpose

God said it, I believe it, that settles it right? Now, you might think that as a dweller of the secret place, you aren’t supposed to face any trouble in the first place. So why is God promising to be with me in trouble? “Am I still going to face trouble in the secret place? We all have that thought sometimes and although we know that it is unrealistic, we can’t help but fantasize about not having to go through any kind of trials. But a trouble-free life doesn’t exist, because, Jesus said, you will go through tribulation and trial. But He also said, “You will not be alone”

As we have seen in the Bible, trials are sure to come, and we know that everything works together for the good of they that love Him and are called according to His purpose. So that trial or that trouble might just be to test you, to make you grow. The Bible tells us that trials are designed to work out patience in us. I have also learned that tough times make us more compassionate. We are able to relate with those who are suffering and introduce them to the God of all comfort.

And guess what? God will not leave you by yourself. He is your companion; He is always with you and you can boldly ‘tag him’ because He is your partner. 

He is With You

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2

God will be right there when you go through loss, when you go through pain, or when your business folds up. When you don’t have anybody by you, you can count on the fact that God can never, will never, and shall never leave you. His permanent address is by your side and inside you. 

So beloved, if you are worried that you’re going to go through life’s trouble alone, let me be the one to tell you that it is impossible for you to be alone, God is always with you.

There is nothing more comforting than knowing that somebody is with you in your most difficult times. That you have somebody to run to for comfort, somebody to talk to. Even if the person is miles away, just the knowledge that somebody is with you brings peace even if the troubles are still there. That is exactly what God is saying today, I will be with you in trouble.

Even IN Trouble

Did you get that? He says He’d be with you IN trouble, which means He is in it with you. Just like Shedrach, Messach, and Abednego that were thrown into the fire, remember that He wasn’t standing beside the furnace telling them that “it’d be alright” No! He was inside the fire with them, as the flames were touching them, it was touching Him. 

So, if God is with you in the trouble, will that trouble really feel like trouble? It might hurt your flesh or even mess with your plan for your life, but when you go through those difficult times and come out, it won’t look like you went through anything. That’s what it means to have God beside you. 

So, if you’re currently going through challenging times, know that you have a partner for trouble and that partner is Jesus.

So say this prayer. 

Father, open my eyes to see all the ways that you are with me, even in the darkest days of my life. That I will not forget your faithfulness and your love, your consistency, and your commitment to me when the night gets tougher and the day gets darker. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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