• DAY 61
  • Fear File: You
  • Scripture: Psalm 91:1b

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1b

The shadow of the almighty is a protective feature for the one that has become a dweller in the secret place; the one that has made the presence of God their home. If you missed our conversation about the secret place yesterday, click here to catch up.

The shadow we are talking about here is not a literal shadow. God is light and light cannot cast a shadow in and of itself. Only an object in front of light can cast a shadow on a surface. The shadow described here is more figurative.

To be in/under someone’s shadow can mean a couple of things. But in this context, it means to be living under the influence, track record, history, achievement, and reputation of that person. For example, it is impossible for a rich kid not to live under their daddy’s shadow. Especially if the dad was very influential or popular. Everywhere that child goes that name immediately casts a “shadow” of perceptions and expectations. Like, how can Daddy Adeboye’s kids not live under his shadow? When you just know who their father is you automatically have an expectation of how they should act, speak, respond, and even dress. Why? Their father’s popularity has cast a shadow that will be impossible to come out from.

This can be tough on a pastor’s kid because the expectations become a burden and they want to be themselves, have their own identity, and be acknowledged for their own achievements. but the shadow is in the way. However it’s not all that bad to be under a shadow, it also brings favor. People want to do good to them and help them in any way because of their daddy’s good reputation.

There are expectations on you because you bear the name of your Heavenly Daddy. As a dweller of the secret place, people demand more of your character and your conduct, as they should. However, you cannot forget the benefits of his shadow. Because you are under His shadow, you are benefitting from his reputation and track record. Not only that you are behind him. That means that when trouble comes, He takes it and you are safe. His reputation and affluence, power, might, and glory overshadows you. So when people see you, they cannot but see your Daddy.

Just typing this is making me leap for joy. Can I subscribe to the double shadow package, please?! This shadow is not that of mere mortal men. It belongs to the almighty. The ALL MIGHTY. That’s the reputation you are under, that’s the track record. I don’t wanna be above this shadow, I want to show up under it. Let them see Him, it’s okay by me, I’ll just enjoy peace right under.

A Package Deal

Don’t forget that crucial word, “abide”. Because one thing about a shadow is that it cannot be separated from its source. Where you see the shadow you will see the object and vice versa. So the moment you walk away from the shadow, you lose the covering. At first, some people might see you and recognize you with your daddy but after a while, it will be clear that you have walked away from his shadow and that is no place for you to be. Separation is a termination of existence and I believe you wanna keep living. You must abide in the vine, and dwell in the presence. You cannot have it any other way. 

But can I tell you the amazing thing about being under His shadow? it’s the fellowship. I know that there are benefits of protection and peace, joy, and more, but fellowship is by far the best part. dwelling in the presence of your Daddy all the days of your life is far more rewarding than anything else. Don’t get close because of benefits; nobody lets a parasite live for long. get close for love. your father is already going to give you all you need. What He needs is YOU. To love you, to be known by you, to be intimate with you and be one with you.

So Pray

Dear Father, I wanna be under your shadow not for things but for You. I repent of secret agendas and ulterior motives and for choosing to focus on what to eat and what to wear; instead of trusting you to provide and pursuing Your presence. Now I come to you to say I love YOU more than the benefits. And my one desire of you Lord is that I may dwell in Your presence forever. This one thing I seek. help my heart to be focused on you and to dwell with you forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Beloved, if you prayed that prayer, God is going to bring you through seasons that will test your heart and the truth of those words. I hope you meant it when you prayed it, cos then grace will be supplied. and I guarantee you that your life will never be the same. If you need to, join a group that is committed to the word and dwelling in God. Click here to join my community of faith-filled believers (P.S we just started the group today! so welcome.)


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