• DAY 56
  • Fear File: The Apostles
  • Scripture: Acts 5:40-41

and when they had called for the apostles and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

ACTS 5:40 -41

Now I know that today’s topic sounds strange and you might be thinking, I joined this devotional to gain the courage to pursue my dreams and not to get beaten. You’re almost right. You see, the OUT OF FEAR Devotional is designed to help you defeat fear and acquire the courage you need to move in the direction of God. However, I do not know if that direction for you is taking a beating, literally or figuratively but I do know that it comes with the territory.

For the Apostles their beating was literal and so was Jesus’ because they stood for God’s will and went for God’s plan and glory, their assignment was not enough to stop beatings, and their popularity was not enough either. The Holy Spirit on their life was not enough to stop the beating and the impact of their assignment didn’t do the trick either. Listen, I know that I am sounding like those old preachers who were using the book of revelation to threaten us into salvation by emphasizing the doom we would face, but I cannot help but tell you the truth. My assignment compels me.

You need to know that courage and faith are not designed for eating eba. If you are a lion you must hunt like a lion and you will face the challenges of a lion. You have a calling over your life but that calling will attract beatings. Can I tell you what God told me?

God Said

He said that He is going to pour out His spirit upon the earth (Joel 2:28) in a new dimension and more people are going to rise up on different platforms to speak and declare the name of the Lord. He’s going to raise people, young people, old people, men and women, and social media is going to be their major platform. We are going to experience a deluge of his power as people (not just preachers) begin to rise up and speak on the social media space.  If you are paying attention it’s already happening. You see, He wants to pour out his glory like never before and it’s going to cause even more people to wake up and be brave to be Christian and they will use their voice to cause an awakening.

This will be a joy and wonder to behold. However, the world won’t just lay on their backs and watch us overturn systems. So guess what? Threats and beatings will come. Accounts might be taken down, and people will be dragged and canceled and shamed, So God is telling me to tell you that those threats are coming because of the power He’s pouring out upon you and the time is now for that glory to come especially as we get closer to the coming back of our Lord. He’s releasing his glory and those threats are going to come to silence you. But guess what? The church is marching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail. 

God sent me to tell you that He has not given you the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1;7) and you cannot be afraid neither can you let fear win. People are going to start talking about you, they’re going to start threatening you, but when the threat comes God is saying, Do Not be Afraid. 

It’s Worth It

Beloved, the threats don’t mean that you are not making an impact. If you study that text you will realize that the Apostles were beaten but yet people were transformed and men came to the knowledge of Christ. You and I are a result of those beatings. So, the threats will increase but lives will be changed through you. 

However, you have to rejoice. The Apostle rejoiced for being counted worthy to receive a beating. The Bible says to count it all joy when you go through diverse tribulations. So when you face difficulties and persecution for God’s sake put it at the back of your mind that you have been empowered by God and you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you and that strength is being made manifest even now. Life may want to beat you up through loss and heartbreak or anything that will make you lose your hope and faith but do not be afraid. You will not lose that fight because of fear, you will stand for the truth of the kingdom, you will not be shaken and when threats arise, you will overcome. God has not given me the spirit of fear but a spirit of love, of power and of soundness of mind. 

Pray with me

Today in the name of Jesus, cast out that thing that continues to tell you that you cannot; cast out that thing that continues to tell you that you do not have the capacity to face the next challenge. In the name of Jesus, disinherit every spirit of depression that is hovering over you, that spirit is lifted, and joy overflow has come upon your soul. And no matter what you face, you still stand and speak the truth and His name will be glorified in your life. Amen


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  1. Thank you so much.. This message was really helpful. May God continue to bless you as you continue to expand the Gospel.

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