• DAY 54
  • Fear File: Peter, John, and Company
  • Scripture: Acts 4:24&29

So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word,

ACTS 4:24-29

Yesterday we talked about the company of Peter and John and how they were a support system. If you missed that, click here to catch up.

In our text today we look at the prayer of the company. I must say I expected something different. My African-trained Christian perspective is wondering what was going on here. How do you face a threat and ask God to strengthen you to handle more threats? wouldn’t it be easier if God just eliminates those threatening you? If there ever was a time to pray “die by fire” it will be now. Because I am not above a “die-by-fire” prayer. I will pray that your whole generation dies in the process, I don’t play like that. You come for me, you, your momma, your business and your dog better get ready to die, no negotiations, whatsoever. (I wonder why I’m not a sniper though). So I am reevaluating my prayer strategy after reading this text.

Courage or Vengeance?

Could it be that there are situations where I need more courage and not more vengeance? Have I wrongfully prayed for death on people that needed light and by so doing refused the opportunity to grow in faith and courage? Have I been so focused on my comfort and my desire for retribution that I missed an opportunity to walk in love and grow in faith? Was Stephen right to have accepted being stoned to death instead of calling blindness on his stoners? 

Now, I am not saying that there aren’t times when the only way out is for somebody to die, but I am hoping that you realize that not every opposition needs an army and not every adversary needs the death penalty. There are threats that are a part of the job and God put them there so that you can grow. And what we need to do is to let the Holy Spirit lead us in knowing which one is which. However, we can learn a couple of things from this particular prayer.

United Company

Unity is key in corporate prayer. The threat they faced was a corporate one. The threat was directed at speaking in the name of Jesus. That meant that should the threat hold, the disciples will lose the ability to spread the gospel freely and liberally. And the great commission will suffer terribly. So they practiced what their master told them while He was on the earth and practiced Matthew 18:18-20. Unity had worked for them on the day of Pentecost and it worked again here. Friends, Jesus wants a united church. A church that puts aside differences in doctrine and picks up oneness in Christ. Some threats can only be neutralized when we come together in one accord. Until then some soldiers will get hit in the field and the world will gain more ground. They will not prevail but they will leave a lot of warriors broken.

Handle it, God

This prayer felt like reporting your school bully to that person that you know will fight them and beat them silly. Well, that’s what I’m picturing. In my mind, they said, “God, this is what they are saying o, we are coming to tell you because you sent us. They are threatening us o, they said we should not say anything in public, we said we should come and tell you.” So Peter and John went to report to their company and their company reported to God. I could start another sermon on community but we did that yesterday, but do you see what I mean? Having people who will not be dishing unnecessary advice that starts with “in my opinion…” Sister Bridget, nobody wants your opinion, take the matter to God. 

This company knew who sent them and they went to him without complaint or murmuring, they only presented a report. It’s like they had just read Psalm 2 and couldn’t be bothered about the raging of the heathen. They knew who sent them. Whatever anxiety Peter and John felt, if there was any, cannot stand this kind of company prayer. What they said next changed my perspective forever. Let me translate that prayer to 2023 lingo.

You or Kingdom

“God, they said we shouldn’t talk about you anymore, they said we shouldn’t even wear our Jesus t-shirt or cross-chain to work, they said they will arrest us if we say the name of Jesus in front of kids in our class, they put down my videos when I used your name as a hashtag and they report my account when I speak in your name, they said I violated community guidelines by calling out sin, that’s what they said. But what I am asking is the courage to keep doing what they said I should not do. I know that this will put me and, probably, my family in danger, this might even land me in court or cost me my job but this is the only way for the kingdom to prevail, so it doesn’t matter what they say, what matters is what You want.”

As I type this I realize that I might not even be here yet. I speak boldly online but I don’t know if I will choose kingdom over self-preservation because my life has never been demanded for the sake of the gospel and the truth is, a part of me hopes I never get to make this choice. A part of me hopes that the only threat I will face will be the comments and DMs I get but that part of me needs a wake-up call.

It’s Unavoidable

No matter how I read the scripture I cannot find any proof that I will not be persecuted as Christ was. ONE DAY I will face the decision of Kingdom or self-preservation and it will be more severe than a few haters in the comments. I want to stay here and write that the love and devotion I have for God will be enough but all I can do right now is ask for the courage to keep doing. I love God so much that I don’t see a possibility of choosing my flesh but I will be arrogant to conclude that I can handle it in my own strength, so I am sticking with praying for boldness.

If you are there and you can say for certain that you know your reaction, pray for us that know our love. Pray for us that are devoted that we will not fail on the day our number comes up because it surely will. 

May the Lord grant us the courage to stand and fight the good fight of faith even when the world is threatening us. In Jesus’ name. Amen


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